How is this either a “major upset” or at all “unexpected”? Clinton didn’t contest Indiana, didn’t spend a cent on ads or any time there while Bernie was pouring in millions, even in the past few days her surrogates clearly said they didn’t really expect to win it, polls or no.

I was sexually assaulted but hate the word “survivor”. Two reasons: 1- It almost makes me feel like I did something good because I “survived” and didn’t get killed. The reality is that I didn’t have a choice . 2- I feel like it diminishes in some way other victim’s experiences. I never thought I was going to die

.......Meh, I’m still waiting for the Klaus Barbie doll........

His style ain’t overly complicated. Yuuuuuuuuuugely effective, but pretty simple.

Oh god my fanfic is really happening!!!

Lyin’ Ted picks Loser Carly as his running mate when he can’t even win the nomination? Sad!

Aww shucks. Compassion and kindness were just the main virtues my parents emphasized and modeled as I grew up.

Thanks. I love my son m more than anything, but I think had I felt like I really had other options, I would have chose differently.

That seriously is fucked up. Based on my doctor’s figures on conception, I got pregnant about a week after a very serious suicide attempt. The medication that works for me (but I can’t always get because its not generic and insurance companies hate paying for non-generic meds) had not been approved for pregnant women.

9 out of 10 abortions occur in the first trimester. The reasons for second trimester abortions vary, but in most cases it is a lack of access and/or education. Women who have not had adequate sex ed are more likely to not realize that they’re pregnant until that late. Poorer women are far more likely to have second

What about Mississippi women who discover at their 20 week anatomy scan that their baby has a condition not compatible with life?

that was really chilling to me as well.

Yes but she was wrong to do so.

Right? Fuck those sluts with their weak-willed emotional problems! Tell your brain to pick itself up by its bootstraps!

Because fuck those whores who got pregnant in the first place.


no it doesn’t. women aren’t in positions of influence in his campaign. That is a huge red flag if you care about gender equality.

Aha! This validates everything I’ve ever though about each of them somehow.

I think the thing is, you never get to decide for another person whether or not they’d “rather know” or “rather not.” I don’t know how I’d react if my partner told me he was cheating — whether I would want to work it out, whether I’d need a break, etc. I might be really unhappy knowing. But he doesn’t get to pick for

it me