
“That” belongs in every story about a woman — turd blossom or not — if she’s being demeaned.

This is a weird write-up. It seems sexist to me to impugn the competence of this young woman, to assume she’s just a wallflower, on the basis of her boss’s misogyny. Trump’s misogyny is his problem, not hers; her “docility” doesn’t mean she’s not a powerhouse behind the scenes (after all, she’s the press secretary of

It was obviously a stumble. He was reading poorly from his teleprompter. The transcript is available in full, online.

Did anybody read that whole thing?

Keep galvanizing us to vote for her!

This makes me feel patriotic. There’s the shooter (fuck him), the disingenuous politicians and nasty lobbyists (fuck them), but then there are these kids.

Reproductive + coercion

Dude, if you could actually explain your views it wouldn’t have come to that.

This is so dumb that you won’t have thought of it, but our little virgin manchild is equivocating between a woman — any woman — having the ability to become pregnant by going to a sperm bank and getting an anonymous sample, and Jane having the ability to become pregnant when she has intercourse with Jack. Since Jane

I’m not sure you’re aware of how well you just proved my point... anyway:

These are the guys who remember perfectly well how much they wanted sex, and believe the girls who let them were sluts who should have kept their legs closed.

Logic isn't your strong suit, is it?

I think you’re off the rails here a bit.

In practice, the only group in this country that’s actually pro-abortion are men like these, who don’t think we have the right to make proactive reproductive choices.

The pro-choice movement always latches on to the horror we instinctively feel when we hear that there are no exceptions to be made for victims of rape and incest. I think that’s fine, as a rhetorical strategy; maybe it will help sway people on the fence. But they should emphasize that no-exception laws mean that there

60 rape victims with consistent stories vs Juanita Broaddrick in 1978, whose husband is known to have caused precisely the injury Clinton was accused of causing?

You gave me “evidence that Hillary knew for a fact about any rape, that she then ‘stood by and watched,’ and/or ripped apart the reputation of the rape victim”???

So you don’t have an answer.

Evidence please that Hillary knew for a fact about any rape, that she then “stood by and watched,” and/or ripped apart the reputation of the rape victim.