Yes! I sent this tip. As someone who knows Stacey Newman personally, I can attest that she is one of the most kick-ass women I have ever met. She is always fighting the good fight for women in Missouri, and is someone we can all be proud of. Plus, she’s super nice, smart, and funny.

Yeah, Hillary’s gotten a free pass. Someone should form some kind of committee or something.


Absolutely everything you said is wrong.

Greetings devoted Thriftees! I’m back with another round of Thrift Diaries: Hip Hop edition! Just kidding, but I did

How was the Arab Spring our doing?

Truly, spoken like a man who has no idea when a woman is or isn’t wearing makeup.

As always, Greg, so thorough and well-written. I have been watching this whole thing go down on Twitter over the past week and look...

Oh hooray. The first Stonewall movie is about a fictional white gay male. This erases the BLACK trans woman who actually was the first to throw something (Marsha P. Johnson, if you’re wondering). It erases all the dykes who were being raped and arrested and who fought on the front lines of basically every important

Eagerly anticipating the follow-up article "How to Incorporate Your Love of Travel Into Your Online Dating Profile Without Sounding Like a Complete Garbage Human", because as far as I can tell, nobody on Earth knows how to do this.

The irony of this being posted on Flygirl is killing me.

The flag, which comes hot on the heels of equality laws being passed in America, depicts a man, a woman, and three very happy children

I would just like to thank all of the Jez and groupthink commentors for not calling me out on my typos and giving me stars even though I can barely understand the things I write. Thank you and may Ba’al bless you can keep you.

“They see danger around me. I sometimes wonder if that’s because, in some other setting, they’d present it.”

Just make sure he's not a tits-pervert.

This makes me feel kinda icky :/


I got hung up on this rather ambiguous fragment, indeed: “Isn’t just delightful to see two of the most important men in the history of both Cuba and communism get trotted out as party tricks at an event exclusively attended by rich people?”