No mention of that fact that the most vomit-inducing fact is the foie gras, not its use as, I don't know, whipped topping?
No mention of that fact that the most vomit-inducing fact is the foie gras, not its use as, I don't know, whipped topping?
I thought my mom sucked. Jeez. All the best to the boy, and prayers that his future doesn't resemble his past.
Wait, why are there like four posts by you in a row on GT? Is this Kinja being weird or are you just moving posts around at will to promote them...?
This is epically good news. I may revert to my ancient habit of working and studying at Starbucks. But they need to serve the alcohol in regular Starbucks cups so no one knows what you're imbibing. This is key.
Hi Donna,
Is your mom Burt Reynolds drunk on vodka?
The problem is deeper than just hiring more female writers. What's so special about the NYRB is that reviews are written not be professional reviewers, but by people with equal or greater expertise in the subject matter of the books they're reviewing. So while women are underrepresented in certain academic and other…
The problem is deeper than just hiring more female writers. What's so special about the NYRB is that reviews are written not be professional reviewers, but by people with equal or greater expertise in the subject matter of the books they're reviewing. So while women are underrepresented in certain academic and other…
(This dude's amnesia really should have consulted with my high school guidance counselor and picked a more useful language.)
And according to Manning's lawyer, she doesn't want surgery.
I understand it perfectly. You say: "You can't assume that the uneven treatment of the people is due to their genders, it might be because she was the one giving and he was the one receiving." I say you can assume it, because despite the giving-receiving asymmetry, the slut shaming is happening because she's a woman.…
We live in a culture where female RAPE VICTIMS are slut-shamed. And men are ALMOST NEVER slut-shamed. You might argue that a woman receiving oral sex might be slut-shamed less than a woman giving it, but there is still no possibility that a man giving oral sex would be slut-shamed anywhere near as much as this girl…
You can't assume that the uneven treatment of the people is due to their genders
Really? So everyone on FB is breaking the law all the time?
I don't think the next part is coincidental: has ruffled feathers internationally
Yeah, I saw his comment and I don't believe it.
This is something that infuriates me too. I don't know the term for it, but it's sort of the epistemological corollary of moral equivalence. Whenever there are differing views, no matter what flat out science-denying idiocy one of them is, the narrative becomes about how there are two sides to every story, and one…
His comment — suggesting that women can't be impregnated by rape — was obviously idiotic. But why should the outrage it (rightly) generated have resulted in rape exceptions to abortion laws? If it's the case that abortion should be legal for rape victims, then it should be legal for all women regardless of how the…