Well on the bright side, if dragons were real because they're in the Bible, that means Jezebel was real too.
Well on the bright side, if dragons were real because they're in the Bible, that means Jezebel was real too.
What are the chances he's going to show up in the comments as soon as his "Gordon Chaffin" Google Alert informs him that the lesbian shitasses have his number? Pretty good, I think.
unspeakably evil dating culture
Wow, I guess Jezebel really has given up its old no-numbers policy.
I remember him on the cover of Rolling Stone when I was in high school. He had great hair. :)
I was just feeling old, but if Mila Kunis and I are the same age, I'm young. And sexy.
I'm...confused. I think I need Hugo to explain to me if these are feminist or not.
I'm...confused. I think I need Hugo to explain to me if these are feminist or not.
You wrote out the woman of color who created the hashtag #solidarityisforwhitewomen? Solidarity is for fucking white women?
That "AHEM" really doesn't cut it, Erin.
Thanks love.
Its tag is even "Feelings."
"You didn't quantifiably benefit from running his work..."
Hey, I just asked the same question on GT and linked to your comment here.
"Genocide"? Really? Really?
Insert Clever Name is joking, babe. :)
It's a long story. I'll try to explain it over there.