And the fact that she's not obviously aware of being photographed and is wearing a miniscule dress and five? six? inch heels are just chance? And he's not aware that taking an appreciative picture of the body of a young woman in that kind of outfit reads as sexual?

The crappy people, in order:

I agree with the thoughts about men and their choices. What I dislike is HS's sentence. (I tried to explain that a bit in my response to Afternoon Delight.)

I certainly agree with you about men — to sum it up, an erection is involuntary; making sure a woman is aware of the fact that you have an erection is voluntary.

Wait, really? Your think the "their" in this sentence

Eh, I laughed.

Yeah, agreed. But have you noticed that about one month ago *all* Jez writers started doing it? While before *none* did it?

Why why why did all Jez writers decide, about a month ago, to do that lame strikethrough thing? The most idiotic "I said it but I didn't but I did" conceit ever? I thought that died when mommy blogs gave it up around 2008. Jez scorned it for years but suddenly they're all doing it (like Doug above but also every other

Nonsense. I'm not saying that she should go for this guy (I think it's a bad idea) but "If he'll do it with you, he'll do it to you" is absolute bullshit in my experience.

That's highly unusual and unprofessional for a professor — having to harass them a little bit is normal, but five months isn't. She's probably thinking: rolling deadline, blah blah. I'd write once more and explain that you need your application completed immediately because you want to know if you're getting in and

Alcohol, commenting on every random thing someone posts on Jez, then showering and beautifying so I'm so pretty he'll never leave me.

I'm usually a snob about adaptations, but I adore Vanity Fair with Reese Witherspoon as Becky Sharp.

I go through phases of heightened sensitivity. But when it's really strong, it's been a symptom of pregnancy for me.

I have mixed feelings about this. While I like to take the stance that some things are best left unsaid, and I see value in it (maybe from knowing my dad told my mom "I wish you had never told me"), I have a deep need to say everything and hear everything. I don't hide anything whatsoever about my sexual past from my

I've had two Mirenas — the first for five years after I got pregnant on the pill; the one I have now for two years after taking an ill-advised Mirena-break and getting pregnant twice. Ugh. So. For some women, Mirena is really, really the way to not get pregnant.

Forgiveness? I am in a position to forgive a man who raped *me.* You have a twisted idea of what forgiveness is if you think I (and others, like you) are in a position to forgive a man for raping *someone else.* We don't have the standing to do that.

I think the lip syncing does matter and is a damn shame. An inauguration is an extraordinary, emotional moment and when one watches it one expects not just the best thing, but the real thing: some kind of peak of human activity being actualized in one special moment. No fakery, no bullshit, no game playing, no

Yeah. I agree. My only worry is that those ultra violent rapes (thanks Clockwork Orange) would become the new "legitimate" rapes. And even more of us would be relegated to the slut factory.

I'd never seen that but just watched it after reading your comment. Damn. I'm not the biggest Beyonce fan (midlevel) but her graciousness and visceral understanding of the moment, and that the moment wasn't about her, was beautiful. And the rest of it, of course. Thanks for bringing it up.

I love when you can tell he's singing the song into her ear (around the 2 minute mark). I'm trying to thinking of something snarky and I just can't. I really adore that they represent our country.