I have rape fantasies. The problem I have is with this: "I'm almost positive I wouldn't want to be raped IRL." If it's a joke, fine. It's just an unsuccessful one, as so many jokes are. But if it's serious at all, it's blurring the line between rape fantasy play and rape. It's supporting the idea that some rapes are

This is a joke, no? "Like, I have a serious rape fantasy, although I'm almost positive I wouldn't want to be raped IRL." I don't get get it; I don't see the wit, the special "turn" that makes a statement a joke, but it's intended as one, right?

Kubrick's Lolita is a good example for your view. It's a great film (Peter Sellers!), but has got very little to do with the book.

Oh baby, if only you were a Republican.

I don't know what "distinguished in the vernacular" means.

Cultural relativism is, in its most basic form, the idea that you can't understand a culture without being to some extent within it, and that's a valid notion. Moral relativism is a completely different issue - that's the idea that there's no fact of the matter about right and wrong. Can we find a way to keep these

The surprising thing here is the word "affordable." It's standard practice for pro-women groups to support theoretical access to fertility treatments, but by demanding that they be not just be safe and legal but also cheap, they're upping the ante and starting the slow process of moving something from

The UN's Human Rights Council has been arguing that abortion is a universal human right for at least a year. Glad to see that approach being taken up elsewhere. http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/66/254

I understand why Jez doesn't use trigger warnings. The title of a post generally informs the reader of what's to come — we can stay away or not based on that info. That worked with the old system. But now, when any asshole can post in the comments, it no longer works. "Read the comments at your own risk" is a really

Nothing I said was racist. Do you know what racism is? I didn't make an argument. Do you know what an argument is? Do you understand the difference between suggesting a way someone else could extend their argument and making an argument?

I realized I was wrong about serial killers when it was too late to edit the comment. About mass murderers, I was taking HS's word for it.

A disproportionate number of American mass murderers are white men — so are a disproportionate number of American serial killers. Serial killers typically kill very privately, so white men's disproportionate representation in this group can't be explained by privilege creating a sense of entitlement to public places


Thank you! Doug Barry desperately needs to take an introductory logic course.

This reads like an Onion article about the relationship between art and life. We like violent movies. We don't like real people being shot. How do we understand this astounding dissonance? "Context, as always, is everything."

I disagree. From what I've seen, Palin was aware of how people perceived her, and she hated them for it. And looking at her body language here — it just seems obvious that it's a joke. And not a bad one, either, considering.

Well, that's the joke. That's exactly what she's referencing.

French manicures on feet make toes look like fingers in a way that freaks me out.

I have a strong desire to know how that conversation went, when he asked a woman if she wanted him to amputate her feet.

Would you link to the Kotaku fix?