Why do you guys bother with socials with their shitty format, instead of just sticking with GT? I ask as a Jez expat who still checks in on the mothership every once in a while.
Why do you guys bother with socials with their shitty format, instead of just sticking with GT? I ask as a Jez expat who still checks in on the mothership every once in a while.
I'm expecting a houseguest, and it's a game of "Will she judge me":
Honey, you should have been starred ages ago.
Not a big fan. I thought my dad was alive until I was informed that the Chinese govt had cremated him, and yes, of course he died of natural causes, "Why do you ask?"
I am dancing around my apartment in an outfit very close to nudity, listening to Beyonce's 4 (Party is a fucking good song), and trying to CLEAN (how does one clean?). And reading OT every time I want to sip my Tecate or take a drag off a cigarette. What are y'all up to?
What are you studying for?
Yeah, seconding Santiago (my place of birth!), italics after all that shit mixed with Vit C?
Very cute. And very much too young for me.
I checked out the thread, and honestly, I don't see any point in engaging with him. But if you really want backup, I'll join in (I'm not a biologist, but I've got some training in bioethics).
Where is ihateemo? Why did he unheart me? Why am I slightly drunk at 9:20? Why is my apartment not clean yet? Why did the gods conspire such that I have to clean my apartment on a warm Friday night? Why am I not perfect? Why won't my cat shut up?
He's a Savannah. He's actually awesome, but when he freaks, he FREAKS.
I'm grinning like a fool. I don't see him until this cocktail party Sunday, and I'm bearing it by squeeing my ass off about things like this.
This is the lawyer.
Sorry, I've been talking about this guy so much that I forgot about backstory. Anyway, he's a guy I started seeing recently. And I think it's a real riding crop not any crap simulacrum people get at sex shops.
Ah, so it was always going to be about the facts. Thanks for clearing that up!
Agreed, and I'm actually really interested in that process!
@Greg The Aryan Stiemsma: pink means that starred commenters can see your comment but others can't. You need to be approved to be generally visible, and to be approved you need to make an interesting contribution and appear to not be a dick.