My three "babies" wanted very much to be conceived despite: the pill, Plan B, and condoms. If only they'd wanted it less. :)
My three "babies" wanted very much to be conceived despite: the pill, Plan B, and condoms. If only they'd wanted it less. :)
Haha, yeah. Several of the scientists referenced in the NYT piece talked about how much more effective it would be if it prevented implantation.
I don't think anyone who's suffered from anxiety doesn't know it's effect on cognitive function.
Yep. I think it's a case where the anti-choice rhetoric is winning: abortion = destruction of an unborn child (ie a fertilized eggy weg).
I just love the vaguely anthropomorphic talk... "sperm need time to position themselves" (from the NYT). And of the course the rights of the zygote. The murder of the embryo.
I don't think I'm underestimating the manner in which one's desires and one's expectations can be influenced by fictions (be they porn or anything else). And sure, it's relatively mature to notice when such changes happen. But those changes, in the case of porn, seem correlated with watching the same sort of shit over…
So... 22 year old movie star rebels against Kardashian-style Hollywood in an inarticulate way, and is self-conscious and inconsistent like every other person her age, and is trying to navigate her desire to be a movie star and her desire to be "different." Sounds like... a movie star kid who wants to be different from…
I agree. That's what I meant by "you're doing it wrong." If you're watching identical porn in a long loop, yeah, you're going to fuck over your unique, complicated sexuality. If you're watching a variety of porn, and reading a variety of porn, and fucking in a variety of ways, then I think porn can enhance your sexual…
I wasn't upset with him. I felt a bit of contempt. Scorn. And what I felt that about was not that he changed his behavior given that he was being affected by porn in that way. I felt scorn about the FACT that he was being affected in that way. I know a lot of things aren't within our control (which is why I said the…
I'm actually not feeling any pain about this. :)
I think marriage is great. I've been married once, and expect to marry about six more times. The issue that's being overlooked, in my opinion, is not about marriage per se. It's about the idea of spending your whole life with only one romantic partner. I don't know if I want that. I think lifelong relationships are…
Why are averages always listed, instead of medians? Wouldn't the median cost be more informative?
Ok, ugh, thanks for telling me your feelings about the internet.
Yeah, that's disturbing. For me, a lot changed with my age and experience and the sophistication of the guys I dated. A young guy who doesn't know a hell of a lot about sex and hasn't really explored his own sexuality or women's sexuality in a non-performative way can be very hurtful when he expects women to conform…
"Just because you are interested in a guy doesn't mean that you should completely disregard him as a person when he fails to attract you." What the hell are you talking about?
I get that. With pictures it's exclusively about how the woman looks, while with videos it's also about what she's doing.
Huh? Interesting discussions can result from flawed studies.
A male friend of mine told me that he'd quit porn because it was making it hard for him to appreciate real women's bodies. I felt so much contempt for him at that moment (maybe unfairly). I like porn and I want and expect all my boys to be into it, because, I don't know, if you're not highly sexed enough that watching…
Do you know one woman, gay or hetero, who doesn't masturbate even when in a long-term secure relationship?
Yeah, even though some women are reporting that something is hurting them, let's not discuss it! Live and let live!