
Again, she clearly stated the whole plan was a 10yr timeframe. This is why people even on the left were saying it was ridiculous because these things cannot happen in that short timeframe. I.e. updated all buildings in the US to be more energy efficient. You cannot get that done in 10yrs.

Because it’s fact that AOC called for a 10yr goal of replacing ICE.

LOL sorry you’re so triggered after getting proved wrong. Remember when you said this?

That article doesn’t show anything at all about support of this idea from the right vs the left.  One forbes author does not prove your point....

I’m sorry about your reading disability. Let me make it easier for your handicap. Here are LITERAL SCREEN CAPTURES WITH HIGHLIGHTS from the Green New Deal FAQ doc AOC’s office released on Feb. 7th (link in my post above):

My god you’re so obtuse it’s giving me a headache.

LOL I love EVs and will own one within 5yrs. The tech is great. The point of this discussion is AOC’s NGD calls for the replacement of all ICE in 10yrs.  Bad for our hobby.  And, completely unrealistic unless the gov’t banned all ICE cars, because all the incentives in the world can’t get poor people to transition

It’s not much use trying to reason with them, they’re so brainwashed they can’t look at the new green deal objectively.

HAHA Have you read AOC’s FAQ?  How do you completely replace ICE with EVs in 10yrs without banning them? Anxiously waiting your response.

Uh.....her plan very clearly sets goals for a 10yr timeframe. And it very clearly calls for the replacement of all internal combustion vehicles. If you understand anything about this country you know that is an unrealistically fast transition away from ICE.....so much so that most people on both sides with any common

LOL in Montana, one of the last states without a sales tax, it’s the right that votes against it.

I was joking Clarence.

Do you even history bro? LOL

Using a Jalopnik article as a source on a political matter is as laughable as quoting a fox news commentator. Completely 100% BIASED news source.

I ache for a time when centrists actually have a legit voice in this country.....so tired of all the extremists from both sides drowning out anyone sensible....

David I think you’d like the option code “CWA”, Mopar all-weather floor mats, for $150. They have actual drain tubes exiting down through the floor so you can hose your jeep out.  

FCA rectified this with the new JL model, which the JT is based on.  You should check one out.  It’s the reason they’re selling like mad.

Agreed.  Hanging an aftermarket brake controller under the dash, to bang your knees on, is a hot mess.

Just ordered a fully loaded unlimited rubicon wrangler for $51k, only option I skipped was the multiple tops and steel bumpers.

Good call.  The manual is a new Aisin unit, very high quality and highly rated. (my JLUR is on order with a manual.......cannot wait!)