Just another day at the Tracy household.
Tesla, the American car company, is looking to build a factory outside of Berlin, in Germany, for its zero-emissions electric cars.
make it a 2 door and I would be sold.
No, because he’s not racist. But you can keep spreading fake crap. It just makes you a bad person.
This is an article that my wife, who doesn’t know and doesn’t care about cars, could’ve written.
For 750 bones I hope they changed your muffler bearings too.
I have said it before and I will say it again:
The serpentine belt had a crack in it and needed replacing - Possibly legit, but this is a $20, 10-minute change in a parts store parking lot.
you do NOT want to know what a miller-meteor ambulance/hearse goes for today.
I’d trace the damn thing on some cardboard, cut out and sand some sheet aluminum, and drill the holes for the screws and be done with it.
This is some advanced Corvette nerdery !
Crack Pipe.
Pretty sure Toyota already copyrighted that one.
There is no war. There never was going to be a war. There may have been some bombings, but there is not going to be any occupation or other imperialistic activities with Trump as POTUS. Killing Soleimani was a long time coming and Bush (W) and Obama are cowards for not ordering it themselves. Obama droned an…
Mr. 3008 over here...
Pretty much all states antique/classic plates are 25+ years, so what's the problem here?
The title is a little misleading. This did not sound like it even came remotely close to breaking you. In fact, I would bet that this only increases the odds of you buying another car unseen.