While you’re technically correct, I think we both know what Ashley was trying to associate with him when her first sentence is:
While you’re technically correct, I think we both know what Ashley was trying to associate with him when her first sentence is:
Take it easy with the vocab. doesn’t assist an argument.
Ashley, a dirty mouth is not helping your cause. But hey, ‘clicks’ !!!
Not sure the meaning of this, perhaps a comma was missed? Not sure about your comment.
You are cherry picking, and also thanks for calling me names, thanks, I actually think I’m pretty level headed.
Yes, I guess F-Me, thanks for that.
You say you are going to punch me
You actually punch me.
Agreed. If you agree with me there will be tolerance, but if not then I will call you names and tell you to F-Off. I’ve seen that myself quite frequently on these boards. Obama’s endless executive orders and going against the will of the people and ignoring states rights didn’t help Hillary at all either.
I’m not pretending. I am open minded.
trump has done and said a lot of crappy things, so much more of what he has said/done is out in the open for all to see, and he never tried to hide what he said or his thoughts.
There it is.
good one :)
Right, I know, those darn “white people”....
Racism works both ways, and if you are projecting racism on a broad swath of white people you don’t know, doesn’t that make that person a racist? Sorry, I’m no expert.
I think your close, but not accurate. He won because people were tired of being called “white bigots”. It’s not a good strategy.
Eeeesy... Do you hug your mom with those fingers?
I endorse lots of people, that doesn’t make them instantly accept my endorsement or adopt my ideals........ so I’m kinda like ????
Heactually look like puppets.
Earlier this morning, Ku Klux Klan-endorsed President-elect Donald Trump met with President Obama in the oval office to discuss the self-proclaimed sexual assault-enthusiast’s coming ascension.
Without name calling how will they write an article or show their immense tolerance?
I appreciate your sarcasm, and understanding that it is attitudes like the ones plastered on this site that put Trump in office in the first place. Enough is enough of being name called every dirty word in the book based on personal assumptions perpetuated by sites like this. People will vote against you when you tell…
So bold Albert, can I see your results from polling all white men and women and researching their opinions and desires?
Sidenote: it is reporting like this, the name callings and the endless F-You’s that activates people to vote against mindless baffoonary like this. I mean how long did people like you, in the “media”…
Keep calling the majority of America names and repeating F-You...., where do you think Trump came from? People like you that preach tolerance and free thought, then bash anyone whose views differ from your own. The Left is what gave America Trump, people get sick of that crap and then show up at the ballot box.