84 GM Turbo

This thread is depressing. And not because Trump won. A president does not dictate my life outcome. He is a single entity, that was voted in by the voice of the people. Just because it may not be your voice, just be happy you live in a country that at least allows you to have a voice. There are so many worse places

But if feels better knowing that many Americans don’t support a corrupt career politician that has been honing said corruption for decades. Many votes were not for Trump but against Hillary. Fact. But that may not bring the solace each person here appears to need badly. F me right?! Hillary lost this Election. Obama

no. so, not, user friendly or comfortable.

Obama and Hillary lost this election, Trump didn’t win. 8 years of executive privilege orders, for POTUS and decades of deceit and corruption by Hillary (just because you don’t believe doesn’t change facts) What did you expect the voice of the people to do? There is a tipping point when people will act on their

The rest of the internet wants a G wagon but will settle for a 4runner. I valet on occasion and hate driving wranglers, no room, feels like I’m looking over a backyard fence to drive it, and the on-road feel, terrible. I can’t imagine one at freeway speeds. I’ll bet its a blast off road, but....

He who fights with logic will always be lonely.

Let me try this:
Instead of “cheeto,” how about misogynistic woman with a long history of covering up a handful of sexual impropriety incidents of her husband, that happened to be president, discrediting and marginalizing the willing/non-willing participants, and her winning the presidency would see that same man in

Yes, yes it is and recognizing that fact can help us avoid these horrible candidates in the future. Also logic like that appears to have been lost on 99% of those commenting here.

Kind of like the horrors, actual, real, horrors that would be unleashed if the country had actual access to the emails Clinton deleted/destroyed/wiped with a cloth?

Each side is horrific, but playing the game of “at least my candidate isn’t THAT bad.” is what gave us these two gems to vote for in the first place.

Their are serious moral implications in a society that says “my candidate is crap, but at least not as crappy as the other %^&# one.” It saddens me that so many people starred your comment and think otherwise.

Another mighty thank you for dishing out a lot of logic here. Clinton is not my choice, but comments from either side burn me up so hard, when they blatantly refuse to accept facts and see things how they really are, not how they form them in their head to fit their personal agenda.

...this level of rhetoric is very disappointing to me.

Seems like the old method of adherence was too polarizing, but the new method could suck just as bad.

Late entry, graveyard, night time, spooked the crap out of us in high school:

I nearly did this yesterday, I have an older black Lexus, and passed my car in the parking lot heading straight for a very nice black Audi A8. Imagine my surprise - and disappointment - when I realized that no, I would not be driving home in a sweet new Audi A8.

kind of a dick move aggressively yelling at people when their kids are in the car,

Glad someone did. Tough crowd

I wonder if there was any fallout by the locals, having it pass on decaying public roads, where they’ve lived half their lives?

I mean if you have to use a label to know what the door is....perhaps you should take an Uber?!?!!

especially that first chick in the high waisted skirt and mock-turtle neck 3/4 sleave top thing, with mid-nuckle rings...yeah her and her friends are full on gamers.......that might play Crystal Crush or whatever the latest mobile game is.