
Daughter had a stroke in utero. Born with a pre-existing condition. Already would be past a typical “lifetime limit” of 1 million dollars.

+1 araña dos y plátano

I’m surprised the guy getting the blowjob didn’t shoot him.

Cop here. I’ll chime in. The video itself isn’t helpful, other than proving that Bennett was detained and handcuffed. Unfortunately, we don’t have the video of what lead up to it. We could see if the officer was a complete asshole (certainly possible) or if Bennett is lying (also possible). I don’t know any of the

Also buried in the story... he’s an ass

There’s another part to this story. It was in response to this accident

Remember this, everyone?

In the same amount of time on Game of Thrones, Jon Snow could have flown from The Wall down to Casterly Rock, then back up, beyond The Wall, killed a few undead soldiers and made it home to flirt with his auntie- all before Seager dropped the ball.

Racism, mostly.

Sometimes in the evening I hit a little THC and sit in genuine, silent astonishment that Donald Trump is the current president of the United States.

Dat 96-yard TD, doe.

Looks like a great way for white kids to just have some good clean fun and black kids to get shot by police.

I can’t wait til Kaep caves, goes out and punches a woman and murders a few dogs and immediately gets offers from multiple NFL teams.

I know, right? Should be doing their job like protecting them from themselves and then helping them out after they didn’t listen and paid the price. Pigs!

As a SF resident, I don’t really know how to feel about this.

On the one hand, I like that we have shit like this. I miss Castro Halloweens and whatnot and don’t want to further this city’s march towards blandness. On the other hand, shit like this is annoying and potentially dangerous to those not involved. On the

How was he bad at his job? Did you see how fucking far that dork went?!

I’m more shocked by the facts that 1) there are people in the stands and 2) the video wasn’t shot on a phone. Is this the “Archer bump” or something?

Coaches were at a loss to explain whose fault the play was, since the players are all nice boys from good families.

Easy there, satan.

A metal spoon also works.