There’s certainly nothing wrong with disagreeing with a piece of art, and I definitely see their point. But removing art because some people disagree with it is... worrisome to me.
There’s certainly nothing wrong with disagreeing with a piece of art, and I definitely see their point. But removing art because some people disagree with it is... worrisome to me.
Co-opting? Marginalizing? Hate crime?
‘Shittiest IN HISTORY~?!’ Finally, I’ve made my mark on the world!
Goddamn modern world, expecting you to read 15 words into an article and shit. Fuck that.
someone needs to hold this dude close to their chest and shush in his ear while assuring him his dick is normal and probably works ok
but that doesn’t make it look any less petty to demand that a player who was so central to the team return several hundred thousand dollars as a penalty for choosing to walk away from the game after years of injuries.
I like people who leak without getting captured.
Trump gave up more intel in 5 minutes with the Russians than John McCain did in 5 years of torture from the North Vietnamese.
Wow. How is that even a penalty?
Yeah sorry but that’s not an ejection. Incidental contact on someone who fell into him.
Always two-decade-old-Warrick-Dunn-jersey-prize-winner truthers.
I love all these “champions of the working man” cheering as people lose their jobs....
You kind of have a shit sense of humor. Not only are you changing the original meaning and intention for a stupid joke, but you’re making a big deal about it as if you’re the righteous one, fuck off.
So not only did the wordplay not localize, the developer themselves backed entirely away from the gag when the first part of the conversation was tabled. do not demonstrate commitment to principles. You demonstrate commitment to your own self importance and being an asshole, and worse: being loud about it. I…
This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?
So.... I really hate how your new comment section works. you scroll down to get to the comments and bam some other shit shows up. Like, #&% you on that. I just wanna read the Comments. Half the time there better then the actual article.
So.... I really hate how your new comment section works. you scroll down to get to the comments and bam some other…
Romo still had a better QBR.
That’s great for Russell Westbrook but Mike Trout is still the superior hitter by nearly every advanced metric
The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.