
Honestly I think he would have skirted the crease had he not been checked from behind. And I honestly can’t fault the defender for trying to stop a one on one with the goalie to win the game. This sucks, but I think this is just what happens sometimes in a high intensity contact sport with a sudden death situation.

Are we still doing “Phrasing!”?

And at the end of Trump’s fourth year, she’s gonna yell “The Aristocrats!”

It’s because Kelce plays with grit and really puts a lot of effort out there rather than skating by on his natural athletic abilities. He picks up his lunch pail, puts on a hardhat and plays like a coach’s kid, setting a good example for the kids watching on TV at home with his disciplined play.

How is he going to watch Yankees games now?!

Travis Kelce does elaborate dances after touchdowns, makes jerking off motions toward refs on the field, gets a stupid unsportsmanlike conduct penalty after dropping an important pass in a playoff game, and has his own reality show in which women compete for the chance to date him. Yet somehow he doesn’t get half the

Now playing

If this wasn’t holding then holding doesn’t exist. He grabbed him around the neck and forced him to the ground just a couple of feet from a sure sack...

Ahhhh, a love triangle.

He probably got caught slamming another posse.

Hahahah I was thinking the same thing...only a few episodes in and I read the whole summary above and couldn’t identify who a single character was without googling their pictures. Internetting really adds an element of surprise to life.

I didn’t figure it out until the actual reveal, because I am a Millenial, and need to be checking my phone, email, and twitter while watching a show, thus missing roughly half of what is going on.

On the bright side, they missed out on this election too


So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:

Somebody really needs to get Jim McMahon some help.

Am I the only one who has never ever ever heard of Elena Ferrante?

It all worked out, but if there had been another 10 or 20 seconds on the clock, the heads up play would have been to bat it down. The pick worsened their field position by 30 or so yards.

It was an impressive interception, but... it was 4th down. He essentially lost his team 40 yards by not dropping it. Not that it really mattered because time was running out anyway.

+2 (in the pink)