
It's amusing, pathetic yet a little endearing how Joe clearly has affection for the others, especially Gordon, and still wants to be part of their lives. Joe has been the odd man out since Season 2. Him hiring Ryan was like a petty revenge move made by a jealous ex (after Gordon spurned his offer at the lawyer

Ray is probably a prison guard. (This would explain the dog he has with him, which would be a prison guard dog). He's probably the lead guard. His hitman is probably also a prison guard.

Maybe the meeting wasn't disastrous. Maybe Angela spoke up in order to determine where her supervisor stood with her.

This is exactly what I am fearing has been happening to Mr. Robot this season. Its creator is getting a little indulgent and falling too much in love with his own creation.

Her thing for lollipops could be Esmail's homage to another TV law enforcement character, Kojak.

I kind of liked that scene. It defined the kind of person she is — outgoing, casual, but lonely.

I kinda want Dom to be victorious by the end of the season, and I feel conflicted about that. But it doesn't look like the 5/9 hack did any good for the world.

I think Esmail should have revealed that Elliot was really in prison by the end of the premiere. It would have hit harder, and most of the scenes with Elliot that took place in the following episodes still would have worked with him in prison.

Why? Why is a movie still regarded as the ultimate end-all live-action medium? It's all about television/online series now.

I enjoy behind the scenes footage like this because it reveals to you how dorky, stilted, and stage-y things were during the making of the movies and TV series you're familiar with. I don't mean this as a put-down — it's very educational if you're an aspiring movie maker, or even if you just want to understand how to

When Angela was starring at a computer screen, the date was 7/3/2015.

Ah, but did he let Angela get away? Dom showed up right after at Angela's desk.

Of course, he was checking her out… but he may also have been doing his job. He may have suspected something was up with her, and made a play to see how she'd react. So this guy may be smarter than he appears.

Hence, the two of them being cast as brother and sister works, especially after this is revealed in Season 1. That's what I thought back in Season 1 — of course, they have similar big eyes.

FBI dude might have been messing with Angela, sensing something wasn't right. He could have suspected she was up to something. Maybe in the next episode we'll find out if he did know and reported his suspicions to Dom. He could be a lot more clever than he appears.

I wouldn't have minded if the entire first half of the episode was structured exactly like a half-hour sitcom — complete with coda scene and rapidly scrolling fake end credits. It very nearly was that, clocking in at 17 minutes. So I wondered why Esmail didn't just write it out as a full sitcom.

I take it that Whiterose's musing about parallel universes is a meta moment: It established that Mr. Robot is now set in an alternate reality version of 2015 in which the world's economies were brought down by a major hack.

It's even trippier when you consider what Whiterose mused to Dom about alternate timelines — what if 5-9 hadn't happened? Thus, the show has established this series is set in the summer of 2015 after a mega-hack that brought down the world's economies.

Even more impressive: that entire scene — the ambush at the hotel — is a single, continuous camera shot.

Yep. You hear his voice talking when we see the person with the bionic left leg walking up the stairs. So it's revealed that he has a bionic leg — they just never showed it in Season 1.