
And the irony is that the stuff he's produced is exploitive, which he admits. So he's probably really the nicest man in the biz alive who has used the medium to expunge his demons!

Oh god what are the rumors about Armisen? Is this a reason why they're ending Portlandia? :(

Wonder Woman hugging maternally onto a male character, obliquely hinting about not pursuing motherhood or not having the opportunity… :p

It seems he got a little too attached, weirdly emotional, to what he was doing with The Avengers, and maybe started to behave as if he owned the sandbox. So Feige stepped in. (It's Feige's sandbox, which Disney approves.) Similar thing happened with Jon Favreau, but he respected the studio system and back off, and is

Because they are human, with their weaknesses, and your idols will ultimately disappoint you.

The male creators of Wonder Woman and Barbarella could be considered feminist in a way, and I'm not saying this sarcastically at all. It's cool and all right for men to create awesome female protagonists. But in some ways you have to wonder why there aren't more women writers being paid to write female protagonists in

There are still fan websites?

It was mostly gibberish, really. The vibe is that something tragic happened between Becky and him, and he wanted to kill himself over it.


This could give a new meaning to the final scene when BOB-Cooper asks "How's Annie?" and cackles.

And we know that there's a cosmic power imbued upon cherry pies in the Peaks-verse, emphasized this season especially. Hmmm.

Annie is either dead, hasn't been in touch with Norma since the Season 2 finale, or never was real.

Oh crap I just vaguely remember — Norma did have family in the original series, Annie and a mother, right? Does this mean Annie is dead now or that she never existed for real, and was like a Dougie? Whoa.

So keeping a tally:

And very likely if he had heard the name of the U.S. President Harry Truman that might have triggered his memories, too.

I really think Lynch should have used outtakes and unused footage of Bowie from the movie. Digitally paste him in into the steam, flickering like an unstable TV image, distorted, implying that he's trapped between dimensions. Maybe they couldn't use such footage of Bowie due to rights issues. :|

Audrey has to be in a coma. Her three scenes so far appear to be playing out in sequential order, but they've been spread out over three episodes that obviously span more than a few days. So either her scenes are all set in a near future that could converge with the present events toward the end of the season, or

I bet for the next three episodes he is laying in a hospital bed, unconscious! But at least Gordon, Albert, and Diane will probably show up soon to see him.

If every episode is like this one, and they tie even more plot threads together at a faster pace, I could see most things coming together into a resolution.

It's amazing to see so many things coming together but also a little disconcerting (?) to see that it seems like definitive answers are being revealed that align with what many fans have speculated. Because it seems so overt now, the theories: That this is a story about an invasion into our world by other dimensional