
So tell me, what happens when an egg gets fertilized? Is it just tissue that might become human life? At what point does it become human? At what point is it life?

Disclosure: I believe life begins at conception

While I didn't think of this watch specifically, it does remind me of the 80s - 90s.

Wow. I'm surprised he recovered his flight after hitting the boulder. I was fully expecting him to hit the ground.

I get it! (W)affle (H)ouse, (W)hitney (H)ouston.

yep. that was my first thought.

Awesome. I was on the fence on getting the droid 4, but went with the gnex. Couldn't wait. Had the OG droid and the d2g. skipped the d3 because I knew d4 was coming. I got impatient. Oh well, stuck with a gnex ;)

Yeah, that was my concern, too. I upgraded my droid 2 global (3g) to the galaxy nexus (4g) and kept my unlimited data. I asked a couple of verizon stores before taking the plunge.

If you have an existing unlimited data plan, then you can keep it. If you're not an existing customer, you'll get a capped plan.

At first glance, I would have agreed with many of the commenters: duh. But on second thought, I realized that if you froze the bag of bacon, trying to only get a couple of slices out, without defrosting the whole lump, would be a difficult task.

Finished reading this book a couple of weeks ago. Great read.

Just checking to see if I was nominated... Since no one did, I nominate myself.


Did anyone read "1984"? Does anyone remember the 'Ministry of Truth' and their responsibility? This would make their job so much easier.

I'm taking by 'that word', you mean 'Exactly'. You're probably right. I should have used the phrase 'I agree', and then added, 'In addition to that'. But that's really too many words for me because I'm fairly lazy...

This guy?

you know also works: move back from the screen.

Exactly. I don't understand how people don't get that. The democrats had control of the legislative AND executive branches of government for TWO years. I'm surprised we didn't become a communist state in that time.

As someone who was born, raised, and currently live, I have to heartily disagree.

It's amazing to see all of this outcry for SOPA, yet no one even whimpered with the signing of the NDAA. Both bills give the government incredible power, but one suspends your right to habeas corpus... which means you can be imprisoned without recourse. I figured we'd be a little more upset about that.