
That explains that. thanks!

Just dropped by to see if anyone commented "Eat it" in response to the headline "What to do with your dog during hurricane Sandy." Gladly, I was not disappointed.

Any musicians out there? No one bothered that when the keys went up, the voice went down, and vice versa?

"Pleading charity"? Really? The guy makes a product. You use and enjoy said product. Don't you think the guy who made said product should receive compensation for his work?

Agreed. I'm always glad to see people out.

I thought that at first, and then realized they were showing this in slow motion. I'm not sure how much they slowed the video down, but I'm hoping it was a lot...

Another word: Catapult launch.


Will we see any fish going gang busters on us?

GE Clock Radios. The one I had from high school is still at my parents' house. Must be at least 20 years old, and still going.

My guess is that most don't even know about the problems with maps. I have a coworker, and she thought that apple maps was supposed to be better than google maps. Go figure.

DIY projects feel good until they fall on you ;P

I'd like to see something happen with digital music, too. How can it be that it's cheaper for me to by a CD than to buy an mp3 album?

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that the buds that come with their iWhatever are fine. I use mine for running. They're perfect. I can hear the beat, and it allows me to hear the outside world.

If you have to ask, the answer is probably "no".

I can't believe people actually gave fb their phone numbers. Crazy.

Now even more reason to use their bodies as a projectile!

The problem for me is that the picks fly out of my hand. I'm not sure this is going to help that.

OMG LOL! That cannot be from the book. Can it?!

Wouldn't it be a "marsquake"? ;)