
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you've:

I was thinking the same thing...

Although I may be the 2%, I was lucky enough to receive a cr-48 from google, and I'm using it as my primary laptop, outside of work. Most of what I do can, and is, done in the "cloud". Google Docs, Dropbox, Planning Center, etc... The only time I use my Mac is when I do media stuff. For me, media stuff is iPhoto and

I found this more entertaining than the commercial. ROTFLMAO

Yeah, Christian here, too, and I kinda wanna do this.

Dude, we get new bodies. It's not that I wanna travel nekkid. I'm curious to see how hot the chicks will be...

T-Shirts having an SPF of only 7 doesn't seem right to me. I never tan under my shirt, and I spend a bit on time in the sun, in Hawaii (cycling, running, hiking, paddleboarding, etc... man I love living here). Despite all this, my chest is as white as my a$$.

I've been sunburned when it's overcast. But then again, I was out all day.

Dude, if a monkey flew out of your butt, I'd say you'd have a bit more to worry about than figuring out an internal combustion engine. I mean, MONKEYS. Out of your butt.

Which is why I bring it up. We need to have that discussion.

Exactly. I have no clue how to correctly mount a horse, let alone shoe one. I don't even know how to size their hooves. Seriously. Horseshoe salesmen. A lost art.

Wow. From a Lethal Weapon 2 reference to this... I meant nothing serious from the comment. When I read "diplomatic immunity", this was the first thing I thought of. Did anyone here watch Lethal Weapon 2? Am I that old?

like these?

I didn't know that. Guess I'm a dope. O

Exactly. First thing I thought of when I read "diplomatic immunity" was lethal weapon 2.

Diplomatic Immunity!

You know what's crazy about all of this environmentally friendly stuff? It's way more complicated that what it's replacing. Solar power. LED Lightbulbs. Think about it. Say in 200 years, when the world is running on LED lightbulbs and perpetual motion machines, and the apocalypse happens, will we remember that a

I guess it depends on the purpose of the meeting.

So what you're saying is that, even if it was the pilot's fault, the company can't place the blame on him/her. Did I get that right? Because, it seems to me, with the dearth of information provided by the article, you already jumped to that conclusion.

Let's not forget that we're offering tax dollars ($10 mil) to develop these $50 light bulbs (well, $22, actually). Go Government!