
I was thinking the EXACT same thing. Even florescent bulbs are cheaper. And, really, LEDs don't offer that much more bang for the buck.

I was thinking the same thing. It's sort of like a supercharger, where is draws power from the engine, rather than the exhaust. There must be some power lost (in the blood flow), but I'm guessing that they figured out a way to maximize the energy created while minimizing the impact on blood flow.

that's awesome. thanks for pointing out my strange logic. unless others decide it's not as strange as you think it may be... :p

One thing that I've learned, especially when it comes to meetings, is that we want to honor everyone's time. My time is not more important that yours.

For a moment, I thought the shower doubled as a toilet. Thank God, he has a man-cave.

I'm a master debater.

I think his point is that we demonize corporations yet we give celebrities a pass (including pro sports)

They sat around a lot more back then than we do now.

That's funny. I usually have a slice of bread with cheese on it before a short run... I've never had a side stitch. Cereal and soymilk, however, that's another story. I should probably lab rat myself for a few runs and see what happens...

If they're cracking down on piracy, do they notify the RIAA if they found "questionable" content in your locker?

the pros don't know good eatin'

I heard it this way: "Practice makes permanent."

Fecal Matter Galore! Seriously, though, my keyboard is probably worse.

I bought a pair of these a few years back. Awesome because you can put ice cubes in the reservoir.

I took the plunge and paid for this one several months ago. Worth every penny. There are podcasts out there that require authentication, and most of the players out there don't support it.

Wow. What I would give to have been there...

My understanding is that this was not a capture mission.

Developer support. I'm wary about paying for software from the Android Market from smaller/individual developers because I don't want to end up in a situation where the software is no longer updated/fixed.

Hang your head in shame and go blow yourself up, now.