
Blah blah blah No relegation /promotion system in MLS.

“Let’s try a black one.”

How in Satan’s green hell is #Sexwale2016 not a thing?

Tokyo Sexwale of South Africa, what a time to be alive!

If these fuckers pass up the opportunity to elect President Sexwale, I’m going to be pissed.

Soooooo, who wants to e-stalk this dude and make a website?

The fact that she went on Ellen. You don't go on talk shows unless you want publicity.

And they’ll still fight before CM Punk steps into the octagon

Right, the athletic department funds itself, but without any classes for the players to attend, none of them will be eligible to play.

Did the approximately five seconds of bliss equal the unknown amount of time spent apologizing? (Probably not.)

Who would’ve thought, states that continuously cut taxes run out of money?

There was a clause in the NFL agreement allowing a team to opt out of the NFL merchandising deal, and negotiate their own deals. The Cowboys were the only ones to exercise the option.

Only for merchandise. They share in the TV rights.

But aren’t the cowboys excluded from the NFL’s profit sharing? It’s odd that Jones would be the voice about “best for business” if he has the least to gain.

Anyone else notice that the teams owned by “new money” all suck on the field, while the “old money” teams consistently reach the Super Bowl?

Vegas is still the Vegas for Canadians. At least when it comes to gambling.

All of those things can be bought used-try a small engine repair place, they get a lot of mowers that the fix up and sell cheap. rakes, tools,all that stuff can be had used for half or less of the new price.

Until they are seen in Vegas, In wigs, and Pepe, Roland and Pierre, I will not be impressed.

Huh. I would’ve thought they would’ve saved the banner hanging ceremony for between periods.

Dear Johnny Hockey,