
We are going to be in “The Group of Death” and get no calls our way in soccer FOREVER.

I know its huge, but couldn’t someone have just searched for “Clinton” “Trump” or whatever, and known if they were mentioned in minutes?

You magnificent bastard +1 shady shell account

I don’t think there is ANYTHING left that really wants to be inclusive. Golf, Pro sports pricing out all but the corporate sponsored, the rich food distribution system VS the poor peoples food deserts, everything is splitting right along income lines.

What are your thoughts on JORTS—-FIFY

Remember guys, these are ladies.

Why Does S. E. Cupp go by S.E.?

So he’s Tim Tebow with dreadlocks?

So you’re saying he’s consistent?

Not for nothing, but shouldn’t we have a lot more talented latino players of all sorts now than we do?

It’s sort of like an NBA all star game. Let the Hometown guy have a moment, no hard fouls, don’t work too hard on defense, strictly for funsies. The gate goes to charity.

Is there any video of the 4-2-4 Brazil team, that really lets you see how they did things?

So before Cryuff, did everyone just play the position and not switch much? Fullbacks defending, attackers attacking and very rare interchange?

RG Flee

Wow, are you eating with pirates or frontiersmen?

+1 bar maid, the last time I was in Saskatoon she was just rubbing all over me.

M is for magic

This can’t be a Screamer post, there is no MLS snark!

I’m not saying the NFL has a gaping asshole problem, but the NFL doctor has to use a drone to check out Ginger Hammer’s colon.

Seriously want to know, what’s your source for her crying, him striking her...can you post a link to a source?