
? Passing out? I did not see anything to support that in this article. and what do you mean by “whalloped” in this context?

“What things do you have to buy brand-name?”

There are plenty of self driving cars now.

Interested to hear who you think would be a better pick. I also think we ARE inferior as far as talent goes. I have high hopes of doing better, but realistically all i see us doing is getting out of the group stage at the world cup, barely, again and again.

Im not saying those are right or wrong, just answering the request for a six paragraph take down. I have come around to thinking Jurgen is pretty spot on and getting as much as he can out of most of our talent pool, except I have to think there are a lot of Latino/Mexican/Texas players that we are missing out on,

They can alternate plays! Jfooty can wear a wig and do shots at halftime while RG3 finds bible quotes supporting that nothing is the QB’s fault and haters will fry in hell.

Couldn’t you pick a general who was not crazy, and offer him a billion dollars, and have him finance a putsch? If someone is motivated by greed, we could buy him out, kill as much of the elite as we needed to, and liberate the starving people, no?

Blah blah blah No relegation /promotion system in MLS.

How in Satan’s green hell is #Sexwale2016 not a thing?

Huh. Thanks for sharing, I had no idea.

Wait what? How did that happen?

It looks like they all puked yellow on themselves.

All of those things can be bought used-try a small engine repair place, they get a lot of mowers that the fix up and sell cheap. rakes, tools,all that stuff can be had used for half or less of the new price.

For home inspections and other small businesses you deal with, always ask if they give a cash discount.

Until they are seen in Vegas, In wigs, and Pepe, Roland and Pierre, I will not be impressed.

If was going to be a mega rich drunk guy I’d hang with a better class of skank.

+1 Bankruptcy

+1 tipped out White Russian

So, where would you rank the Super league in relation to other leagues? Below EPL, above MLS? Or where?

Nice complimentary pieces to #MazingaFever