
#IbeleiveMazingaWillWin #AMazingaGrace #MazingaBazinga #Mazingaing

You should consider a regular feature with weekly updates is they have Manziel and RG3 both as back ups to Romo. I see them working together to re-break his collar bone and then scheming against each other when the old man goes down. RG3 will suck up to that howdy doodie coach whats his face, Manziel will troll from

Like it would still be a secret

WHL was before my time

Huh, NBA-ABA, National and American in baseball, WHL for Hockey. I bet we never have “upstart” leagues in world soccer is because it is not such a closed circle. You could always but a minor league team and spend your way to the big time overseas.

The kid in yellow was trying to throw in over the kid in reds head and failed.

You all need to get out more.

What is the difference? Seriously asking


Seriously asking-Why wouldn’t some national team want him as a manager? He could win big, then piss everyone off, and it would not matter what bridges he burned.

Why would you want to get onto his three year cycle of crash and burn?

Word on the girl fights. Guys you could always talk out of fighting if you got over before a punch was thrown, because they were just macho posturing, and they could use the bouncer as an excuse not to fight. “I would have whooped you bro, but the bouncers came over”.

Simple. You announce last call, and you let the people who are in the bar finish up what they have already ordered,and settle up tabs. Since you are no longer serving, you are closed. I would not let bloody drunks in my bar after last call, but you can’t lock the doors until most of the people have cleared out. Sounds

Christmas at Midnight from Midnight Brewery.