and I thought I was the only one...
Nice foreboding photo selection.
I'm so weird with automobiles that I don't even like watching my failures-turned-scrap-metal taken away from my final view in this manner. It's just feels so... wrong.
Yes, but the Ford family is still heavily involved with Ford.
Now Dodge's current PR people need to coin a word that encapsulates the ideas of excitement and stupidity that comes from making a 707 HP family car.
I really hope that's a wooden show car or something similar.
One thing that comes to mind is technological updates that have allowed some RWD models to be feasible for people in places with partially poor weather, year round. Not many people are willing to slap chains on their Miata around Thanksgiving and use it as their only vehicle in a wintery climate.
Not really a "Grease" fan (maybe because I had to sing those songs in chorus for years), so I like this video much more. Videos and articles such as these are definitely one aspect of modern technology that I can get behind. Pretty much anything filed to: "Fuckn Around," I will support.
This piece is a golden example of why I get my gearhead buddies, new and old, to homepage this place.
Not attracting a primary sponsor when you're McLaren would be quite embarrassing, one would imagine.
I'm annoyed that the decision has taken this long, like everyone else, so I'm really anticipating the result. Thanks for the update! This driver announcement is what needs to happen tomorrow, one way or the other.
Holy. Shit. What a fleet of these weapons could do to..
Haha, interesting strategy. The uptight GM dealers around where I'm from would probably take the car back and make more money, some way, by filing a lawsuit against you for property damages and or the added variable of Civil Forfeiture laws possibly not only prohibiting you from selling a car used in a crime, but…
I wonder how many dealerships without "Hendricks" or "Earnhardt" stamped out in plastic letters on the side would let you do such a thing.
Why these two cars live on the same planet is beyond me. I like the Jeep. Willys is on the opposite scale of words you say so often that they lose their meaning. Brands tend to dilute like that, I guess. That's why Chevrolet has nothing to do with the Swiss/French dude that raced Buicks and has everything to do with…
The title of this post is the epitome of Gawker bullshit.
He gets on the hood a second time. He gets on the hood a second time.