
That’s awesome! I love this story. And thank you so much. I hope you love it! <3

I know we’re here to talk about Kate (as it should be). But just for ABSOLUTE clarity - that “Mad Max/X-Men” should be SANS dash. It’s not a Mad Max X-Men mash-up...it’s like...X-Men in a “Max Max World” kinda thing.


For clarity, this arc of A-Force (issues 5 - 7) take place before the events of Civil War 2. Our next arc (issues 8 - 10) are our Civil War 2 Tie-in issues.

Well, if you’re lucky enough to have Captain Marvel on your team and she’s a huge part of a big event there’s not much to be done. But instead of running from it we’re going to lean into it and I hope it will create some of our most devestatingly emotional stories so far. But there will still be jokes...because there

You know, after I posted I realized you were maybe talking about Agents of Shield Dazzler, not Dazzler Thor...in which case - Dazzler was a Shield agent a couple years ago in the X-Men title (Bendis) as a liason between Shield and Mutants post the Avengers vs X-Men storyline. She eventually got kidnapped by Mystique

I understand, and I hear you. I often feel the same way about events. But I hope you’ll stick with us and see if we can pull it off. This CW2 arc is all about personal relationships as far as I’m concerned - building them, breaking them down, and building them up again - and I think our book is all about that anyway,

Thanks so much for the interview, James! And for supporting A-Force. It warms the cockles of my cold dead heart to see such love for the book from folks. Thank you!

Dazzler Thor never actually showed up in a story in the Secret Wars/Battleworld book. I created her (with Ben Caldwell gloriously designing her) for our story...so she’s technically from that world, but nobody has seen her before on the page until our story (starting with A-Force #5). The response to her has been more

Yeah. On paper (haven’t read the books, so the irony is heavy in that statement) the Sand Snakes (and Ellaria to a lesser degree) should be characters I’m really into - skilled badass lady warriors - but I...hate them?

Stormer (Mary Phillips)

No problem. You can see the bios for The Misfits here:


Every time I see this trailer I think two things.

And Jordy LaForge's ridic Banana Clip visor thing.

Aw! Thanks everyone! I hope you all love it! I'm super excited to have the opportunity and I really appreciate the support!

Great write up on why this show stays on my watch list, even when it has weaker episodes.

That bit is amazing.

Probably it wouldn't have had a huge effect - the documentary I watched definitely suggested the Bond tone for the 80's films was driven largely by the way other films/media were trending...I just like thinking about how it might have changed things.

I just mean more generally would Brosnan have ended up playing the darker less "save the damsel-y" Dalton version that we got in the 80's, or would he have stuck with his 90's version...basically it's a bit chicken or the egg? Did Dalton's take on Bond end up driving the tone of those films, or to the tone of those