
Shit. That was amazing. Thank you. I needed that after this week.

I love this SO much.

WHEW. At least SOME things do FINALLY go right in the world. Jesus.

Listen, I mean, I totally agree. And this list as a whole is a disgrace, and no wonder most of the world wants to burn shit to the ground, it's just grotesque. That said, it makes sense that people who make 400k a year don't think they should have an "old car" or one under 50k for status reasons.

Not that I'm justifying anything about that list, but I think what they're saying is that these people buy a new car every 4 years and that is a 60k-ish car so it's an approximate 15k/year breakdown.

These are good choices but somewhere I saw Mindy Kaling, Rebel Wilson, Kristen Wiig, and...someone else. I can't remember not but Amy Poelher would slide in there nicely. :)

Fucking hell. I just can't any more with all of this.

If I was better/stronger/faster I could have written every word of this post. It's like you're LIVING INSIDE MY MIND.

I honestly have no idea how it works as far as water distribution, I'm guessing that no, Chicago and Cali are not connected. Los Angeles I know gets much (most?) of their water from outside of California, so distance can matter to a degree, but not that degree I'd guess.

fuuuuck. That is so depressing (and alarming).

This is a great piece and I agree wholeheartedly.

I mean, I'm not that invested in Hello Kitty so if she's not supposed to be a cat then...o-kay...but this statement:

Girl With A Pearl Earring ='s we all make mistakes.

Billy Eichner is a mad genius.

I think the first time I realized why it bothered me so much to be cat-called (or even aggressively complimented by strangers in inappropriate places - like random grocery shopping) was when my therapist asked me when I became aware of myself/my body as being "public" or "public property."

But Ross Campell (comics creator and TMNT writer/artist/fan) DID create a female turtle (who is awesome) and named her exactly that. Cause that dude is just that awesome.

While this monstrosity is a well...monstrosity, there is actually a GREAT female turtle created by comics creator (and TMNT artist/writer/fan) Ross Campbell

Wow. I really feel for this woman. This would be awful enough to discover if you weren't pregnant, but adding pregnant to the equation. Good god.

Again, it doesn't have to start immediately if it's Widow because much of the work is already done and it would/should be a picture with far fewer high-end/long lead time effects.

There's no reason not to have a Captain Marvel movie, and I want one (BAD). But Black Widow is much more easily done and well positioned.