
First of all. This was hilarious and amazing.

Probably not an important point, but the original story isn't a brother and sister, it's just a boy and girl who were neighbors and best friends. But yes, girl rescues boy.

My stomach is not super strong to gross things — I'd say middle of the road-ish — i.e. some things bother me A LOT and others I can watch/see/hear/whatever no problem, but if I'm eating something I can't handle THE SLIGHTEST GROSS THING.

You know, there's a scenario in which it isn't a bad idea to ask artists to render something like this - a test to gauge how well they can handle difficult material - if they can rise above it and turn it into something better. Not hypersexualize it, etc. (although it's clearly a terrible idea/scene that sexualizes

Yeah, it's not the editorial team that quit. It's the CREATIVE team - the co-writers and sometime penciler (on alternating arcs) - J.H. Williams III - also arguably one of the most talented artists to ever work in comics.

Well, I was also mostly joking, and I could also say to you to "chill out!"

Yeah, I'm sure a lot of things are going to kill me well before that since it's not an issue for me. TRUTH.

In my ongoing attempt to subvert stereotypes at every opportunity (not really) I *HATE* yogurt.

True. But this certainly can't help.

But, Bechdel Test be damned, IM3 actually *IS* kind of a "feminist tour de force" in that "the girl" not only rescues herself, but actually defeats the big bad guy.

TBH I find the Bechdel Test interesting more as a barometer for how wrong/shallow the balance of movies are when it comes to female characters. Not every movie should have to pass the test of course (some movies just aren't about female characters and that is OK!) but the fact that SO MANY movies cannot pass such a

I OBJECT to Edward being in the same sentence with Spike (okay, and Angel).


Yeah, of course. And my last line is mostly one of anger/frustration (not at you).

I was mostly just trying to say that you certainly don't have to write about rape to get threatened with rape, in my experience. If you're a woman, you're going to get threatened with rape.

Just because you're doing well in the marketplace doesn't mean you can't still be doing BETTER.

I think she's just being gracious. And smart for her to do so.

I've been threatened with rape repeatedly.

I am in fucking tears right now. I also may have peed a little bit. MAYBE.

Wow...how to properly express my horror for the name/spelling/combo that is Kaidence (Kardashian) while also expressing my utter relief that it isn't Kelly (my name).