
Yeah, no, I agree. My comment is a little unclear, sorry - I meant that I don't like that they're marketing it like a biopic - it IS disingenuous to do so - and seeing people talk about as if it's a biopic (because it's been fed to them as if it is) is frustrating too. It's frustrating all around.

I went through this very intensely for maybe a year, with my neighbor/best friend. We checked out books about witches and tried really hard to learn telekinesis and practice spells and such. I really thought I was going to have those powers. Like REALLY.

Some of these are amazing you guys.

Yeah. I haven't seen this movie (and I like Michelle Williams very much as an actress) but I do firmly object to people characterizing this as a biopic...it's so clearly not. It's not indepth or considered enough - and I can say this without having seen it because it's only about a week of her life and is told from a


I believe you are looking for this:

Yeah, I actually really feel for this woman, because fear...especially full on phobias in and of themselves are REALLY irrational most of the time. And in her case she's terrified of something that most of the world finds harmless/adorable/whatever, which makes them dismiss her as crazy, which must be endlessly

No. You are so right on here. It is ultimately frustration and offense at the treatment and interpretation of the female characters that made me stop watching, but I have been yelling at my television since about episode 3 (of season 1) because it's just poorly written and has only gotten worse as the series has

As always, you nailed it. 100% agreed!

Ironically in the comic Andrea is one of the badasses.

The desperate are frequently delusional! ;)

I didn't see last night's episode as I gave up on this show last week, which was really hard for me as a rabid fan of the comic book series (which is FAR superior).

For the record, I think her fear is just as much about the idea that the baby may not be her husband's as it about having a baby in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Man. I love this SO HARD.

Yeah, no, I saw the episode. I agree that the poster made more sense for that specific plot line, just I also understand why they may have been concerned it was a little aggressive. I don't really agree but I can see why.

The first poster doesn't really bother me as it seems to be more suggesting Little Red Riding Hood specifically rather than general "beastly rape". That said, I don't mind them erring on the side of caution here...except that the new poster is not nearly as good - especially the way the sheet/body looks. It's extra

I'm with you. All I've got is something that sounds like "HOLY FREAKING CRAP!" (repeated about 50 times).

True on being spoiled by the world-building aspects of the HP films.

Oh man, totally the opposite for me on HP. I'm not even a big HP fan, but I find the movies so rich and well considered. There is absolutely an over-the-top aspect, but for me because of the content (magic is real and CRAZY INSANE stuff happens) that works for me. The movies have a very "magical" quality to

So on the whole, this looks pretty great and I'm super excited...but...I was hoping the look of this would have more...texture.