Ehhhhhhh...whatever, we’re having a kid in a few weeks so how much time am I really gonna have for online grinding, I’m out
Ehhhhhhh...whatever, we’re having a kid in a few weeks so how much time am I really gonna have for online grinding, I’m out
Christ, AGAIN with the subscription price increases; put me down in the “Man, I just have the base tier for online gaming, how worth it is this actually” camp
At risk of giving them too much credit, I don’t get Reddit’s (alleged) strategy with this: If this is just a temporary change to promote an art project, then why suddenly lock the original icon behind a paywall? Why not do it like other “promo” icons in the past and make it that you can just switch back to the…
Yeah but it’s uniformly applied, right? So like, now the pressure is equal on all sides of a solid object, so it’s not necessarily going to cause it to deform. It’s not like it’s in a trash compactor or something, where the weight is just coming from the top/bottom or sides (thus giving the object the ability to start…
Fine, I guess; is this something we’re really rooting for to happen?
You realize the difference is that you’re able to make these subtle gestures from your lap to control UI elements that are seemingly appearing in mid-fucking-air before you, yeah?
Yeah but I’ll bet you she still got 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene
I mean, Black Aragorn actually makes a lot of sense, seeing as how Dúnedain also don’t crack
Sidebar about doctors crashing planes: One of my favorite nicknames for anything is what they used to call the Beechcraft Bonanza. The V-tail apparently makes it more difficult to fly than more conventional planes, which of course didn’t stop rich idiots from buying it...leading it to be dubbed the fork-tailed doctor…
1st Gear: “What do I have to do to get you to get out you of here today in a brand-new belief that we aren’t a major contributing factor to inflation?”
Is anyone else immediately turned off by the not-fold-flat rear row? That seems like such an industry standard nowadays. Is it because of the hybrid batteries or something?
$10,000+ in warranty repairs so far. Thank gawd they bought the GM extended warranty when they had the chance.
Look I’m not going to disagree with a lot of your points here but for the love of God, spell “Wookiee” correctly
Woah hey look, no doubt white cars are generally a scourge but Type Rs get a pass, don’t they?
This Dwayne Johnson?
“ Prius?”
Make Yeezy the new budget line, like to compete with Skechers and Walmart Air Shaqs
Meh, a $3,000 minivan off Craigslist and a good sawzall will do the trick just fine