Stupid is as stupid kinjas

There’s a price I’m willing to pay to not infringe on my leisure time doing shit I don’t want to do.

I love people you like yourself with mini-trucks who think of them as bad-ass, capable off-roaders.

One of the traps of poverty is spending excessive time to save an insignificant amount of money, by any standard, when that time could better be spent on more productive endeavors.

Dude you drove a POS Ford Escape, not an actual EV. As you described it, a 4 banger with a battery attached.

Or are a member of a disabled or otherwise marginalized population who don’t really have the means to prepare. People in nursing homes aren’t sitting on stacks of MREs and water.

People without enough money tend to value their money over their time.
You can’t pay rent with time.

Lol, I’m guessing you studied your “economics” at Trump University or some other bullshit online course?

Bold, all-caps words simply emphasize the degree to which I’m wrong, I suppose. It’s a fabulous counter-argument to that which can be found in any economics textbook. But again, that’s OK. Everyone has something real they steadfastly refuse to accept. Unfortunately for you, your lack of acceptance doesn’t alter

I’m afraid that’s just incorrect Dave C. You continue to be WRONG and that continues to be SAD.

Looks like someone only stayed awake for the first 10 minutes of economics.

Here’s how it SHOULD work.

-News gets out that 1/5 of refineries shut down. Gas stations immediately raise prices.
-People decide if they need to drive or just want to drive. Or if they can walk, use a rideshare, etc because they don’t want

“when supply is down prices go up in order to more efficiently get the product where it is needed”


Fuck people who are worried about losing money during a emergency/disaster. This is the type of shit that makes me want to believe in a just/judging god.

There’s a reason there’s a law against price gouging. People who desperately need staple goods in short supply exist, and if you let gas prices hit 9.99 a gallon, and bread to hit 15 a loaf, people would get desperate and desperate people do dangerous things. The law exists to keep society civil in times of disaster,

And thus you have the libertarian wet dream. “I got mine! Tough shit, peasants!”

Why would I bother going to the gas station if I only needed one gallon?

How does a Tesla fair in a flood?

Yeah, this seems less like mass hysteria and more like “there’s an actual gas shortage and people need to power their generators until the power grid gets back online” sort of thing.

People are filling up because gas is getting impossible to find

The same as any other car that goes underwater. But for the ones that survive, electricity comes back faster & cheaper than petroleum.

Damn that sucks man.