Stupid is as stupid kinjas

I’m responding to a fucking moron, who thinks DACA means Dumb Ass Cucks Association...I wasn’t too worried about the details. I was mainly just trying to point out what an idiot the OP was being. (PS - The person I responded to was whining about workers, which I dunno, may have been why I brought it up.)

You sound like you have a lot of really dumb, unintentionally funny takes on things.

Maybe other people know things you don’t.

Profits > human lives, you fucking commie

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read more econ theory before you lecture anyone else on this stuff.

If only someone would have started charging $100 a gallon. Then the whole thing would have solved itself. It’s Econ 101.

I feel sorry for people like you who think life’s only objective is making money.

I am unfamiliar with any make of car that has a one gallon tank.

Please focus on the intent of people’s comment. The internet would be so much more fun if people didn’t go out of their way to be dicks.

You must have missed it. Earlier he said he “believed it. period.”....So, I’m pretty convinced.

What I don’t get is the very human naturey thing of:

I believe a gas vehicle will power through a flood better than an EV. period.

It’s hilarious how clever you think you are.


LOL. Yeah Texas officials in a city best known for having no zoning (aka gov’t regulation)...They’re the commies to blame!

You’re right. The issue here is arcane ideological debates and not A FUCKING HURRICANE.

You self-important blowhard.

Sharing is for commie pussies.

Dude shows you facts.

Um...Econ 101 doesn’t really cover the complexity of real world situations.