“What’s the requirement for life?”
“What’s the requirement for life?”
Oooh, you’re gonna get arrested, lol. My goal is to never, ever, refer to that man as “President” and to never, ever hear him speak. If he’s on tv, I turn the channel. If some shit hits the fan in a way that he would have a press conference or have to interrupt all the stations, I’ll turn the tv off and just read…
Having fun every weekend in your 20s is way better than doing it in your 40s.
She clearly assumed, wrongly, that Cho was a nice person who wouldn’t immediately turn around and use it as a way to make herself feel superior.
I was waiting for the inevitable false equivalence. Thanks.
The majority of Americans probably don’t even have a clue as to what a conflict of interest even is.
There were so many clues, that I gotta think that the big reveal scene was mostly for the Dolores character’s benefit. I mean if they really didn’t want us to figure it out, would they really have given us multiple closeups of that damn photograph?
Not as much Jimmi Simpson spelling his name with an “i” bothers me.
Oh hot damn, my friends and I didn’t think of that. We noticed the host Ford was building but thought Ford would return in S02 as a host, his way of escaping the cycle of humanity.
The sentence is “she wants him for Christmas.” Even if you scramble it around, the words retain their cases.
To be clear, a lot of these practices are no longer true. In part, this is because people got wise to it and documentary film makers stopped doing it. The other side is that since most photographers don’t use actual film anymore, but rather digital cameras, they don’t need to worry about film cost. Film everything…
I’m not even sure about the patronizing part. Aside from Hamilton’s side notes it comes off a reminder to employers, whom get paid from his bank account. It’s a dildo message I would toss in the trash, but the sensitivity of some left leaning folk is astounding. Is this really that offensive?
I can’t believe this is the shit we argue about in 2016 and that Donald Trump could be our president next week. What the hell happened?
that logo looks like a puckered anus.
This one time, there was a huge possum sitting on my backyard fence, and I side-armed a tennis ball right at it and knocked it off. Pretty sure I had that same goofy grin on my face. That was my World Series.
You know who didn’t fucking do this? White Sox fans, after 88 years. We had some dead family members too but didn’t caterwaul about it endlessly.
On the bright side, they missed out on this election too
If you had a time machine you could have been first with this
I like the cheap ass store brand BBQ chips that look like theyre coated with powdered nuclear waste and only the top half of the bag is in actual chip form with the bottom half being mostly “chip soil”.