
I hope this one makes it into the archive one day;

We’re going to give this another try. The simulation has gone haywire and the only way to end it is for you to disconnect from the inside. You have to do that by acknowledging that the simulation isn’t real.

If you get a chance, Richard Ayoade (especially with Noel Fielding) is hilarious on UK quiz shows, and he’s done a few travelogues and gadgetry series. I can’t get enough of his wit and demeanor, and like me he’s half-Norwegian.

Looking at the gif it appears that the guy isn’t actually bearing weight on his knees or shins, but on his toes. like a psycho. why do they have to ruin crawling???

my poor kneecaps. we have kneecaps, that’s why we don’t crawl. we have like 10x the amount of weight on our kneecaps than babbyz do.

Do you think they gave them disposables because they took all their phones away?


Guy hitting .205 in High-A ball is worried about the wrong Mendoza.

Also check out the direction of everyone staring. Looks range from quizzical to “Dude WTF?!”

Everything about this is so stale.