Sandwich Librarian

“On every occassion (sic) he has treated each and every one of us with respect. Thus, we uniformly reject these allegations as false.”

This entire story is just a bottomless well of stupid.

It’s a money grab. Parscale see someone with high name recognition who will generate lots of cash that he can helpfully skim his cut of it.

And Clint Eastwood, who became Mayor of Carmel by the Bay. He served a single two-year term, mostly to support small business but with an emphasis on environmental protection.

“We love the poorly educated.” A Fat, Orange, Grifting Gas-Bag

It’s a money grab. The second volume will be titled “I Was Q All Along.”

I prefer John Oliver’s sequel, where Marlon gets Gay Married to another rabbit.

It’s the kind of thing that gets put out when your communications director quits because he can’t stomach working for a sex trafficker. 

Maureen Dowd in last Sunday’s Op Ed in the New York Times.
“Matt Gaetz is everything the Republicans were looking for in Hunter Biden.”

I’ve got a dream too.

This picture appeared last week. Bill Belichick was in Miami scouting college players and had lunch at Mar a Lago.

“Goodson said he remembered a meeting in which Gaetz said that if someone sends an intimate image to their romantic partner, then that image becomes the partner’s property to use however they want.”

I hope that when the Feds come for him, he gets taken down like Jerry Lundegaard at the end of “Fargo.”

70. Is it cool in this day and age to completely validate conspiracy nuts and weird science losers as the only people who are 100% right in the whole movie?

Church membership has collapsed in the last 20 years. Maybe they should not have embraced a man who is like something out of central casting for the Anti-Christ.

“Anyway, Happy Easter.”

I got my first jab on Thursday, and I wondered if feelings of euphoria were a side effect. I think it was just the knowledge that I may have added a new layer of protection against the virus.

I like living in a world where Matt Gaetz got almost no sleep this week.

The dude left an empty box of condoms on top of the trash bin outside his office.

When you have no friends, no committee assignments, and all you have to do with your time is file pointless bills that never go anywhere, that leaves you a lot of time to make videos of yourself lifting things.