Sandwich Librarian

To be honest, the Fashion Police would have locked him up months ago.

“We moved on to reading Macbeth, which was a kind of foreplay routine we had. I said, ‘Let’s skip to the good stuff’. He said, ‘I love that about you, you just want to get to the good part.’”

There’s an old Icelandic saying that applies to Ted Cruz:

“ We here, at the opening of Ken & Nora’s Kia Dealership in Coconut Creek, Florida, have a special surprise for you! The, uh, (which one is he?) Oh!, the 45 President of the United States wishes to say a few words!”

Shouldn’t it just be called “Profiles in Cynical Political Calculation” in this instance?

In deleted videos, Greene has called Aguergo “amazing” as well as a “friend.”

He looks like Beaker from the Muppets only with boundary issues.

It used to be common for gay men to ‘adopt’ their younger lovers.

Bright sunshine is great at exposing flaws in almost anything.

“On January 6, 2021, a mob of insurrectionists a bunch of crazy kids with little too much extra energy got slightly out of hand and’ forced its way into the U.S. Capitol building and congressional office buildings and engaged in acts of vandalism, looting, and violently attacked Capitol Police officers.”

Hasn’t history shown us the screwing around with the Homecoming Queen competition always ends badly?

Seems it is time to bring it down, since the trash people have all been arrested or gone home and their ring leader is in Florida drinking Diet Coke slushies and plotting ways to separate his cult members from their money. 

I worked with Milo O’Shea who was in “Theater of Blood”. He said that Price was smitten with Coral Browne who was also in the film. Many times, after the day’s shooting was done, Price invited the whole cast back to the estate he rented where he would whip up gourmet meals for everyone, but specifically to impress

Andrew Carter Thornton II, a member of a wealthy Kentucky horse-breeding family.”

It’s the same reason Tucker repeats my name over and over on his show. They’re drilling it into their followers heads.”

It still staggers me that Trump and his Senate allies got to put three judges on the Supreme Court, including a rapey drunk you opposes abortion.

I did like the show where Ed Helms is in a community theater production of “Sweeny Todd.” The show avoids the low hanging fruit of making community theater look bad. Instead, it shows competently performed amateur production that goes awry when Andy forgets to leave his cell phone backstage and it starts ringing in

How novel of the Biden Administration to replace this ignorant, entitled dolt with a secretary who actually knows something about education. It seems like they are trying to fill positions in the government with people who have expertise in the departments they are going to run.

I am available for adoption if there are any childless couples out there, and can provide you with pictures of myself from 1976 if the authorities get wise.

When this is over the entire economy is going to be super charged by new gym memberships, hair appointments, clothing purchases, and lube sales.