
Most frustration with a car repair? EVERYTHING DEALING WITH A 1973 SAAB Sonett!!!!!!

Rock bottom? With that car, they hit rock bottom the grabbed a shovel and kept going.

Had one... How GM could phukk up something as simple and well designed as a Toyota Corolla is beyond me... but they did.

“I am well past trying to figure out why anyone supports the orange man but the most charitable reason I can think of is that his supporters regard him as a useful idiot.”

Just now you are realizing the virtues of the minivan? With a decent towing capacity, room for 7 humans and all their stuff, and better than average ground clearance, it is the best sport utility I have ever owned! Definitely better than my RAV-4, and arguably better than my Jeep Wrangler (space, towing, comfort). We

People are free to protest. Evidently, Mr. Orlove believes people are not free to not protest. I protest your views on protesting...

One only needs to look at manufacturing before WWII to see the advantage of manufacturing at home. Would the Allies have won WWII without the US manufacturing base? It took the USSR almost 4 years to move manufacturing to the west of the Ural mountains before they started to stop the advancing Axis. China sure can see

I have the same problem.  Buy an adapter and get over it...

In the USA, nobody wants to share a car. They might share a ride but that is hardly the same thing.

We read to learn more about the subject. We comment we like what we read, find holes in the information and question it, or in this case don’t want to hear opinion about an unrelated subject. It is not funny that we read but it is sad we have to comment on interjection of opinion.

Floating dogs??? It also caused their V-4 engines to float into SAAB 95 wagons, 96 sedans, Sonett V-4, and Sonett III sports cars.

All show, no go. I would rather not waste the money.

I have had a 1998 Plymouth Grand Voyager, a 2010 Chysler Town and Country Touring, and now a 2018 Grand Caravan GT. What amazes me is how little the prices have risen on minivans. You say sticker was $17.7K on an ‘89? I paid a hair over $19K for the ‘98, a hair over $20K for the ‘10, and a hair over $21K for the ‘18

Ahhh yes! The necessary showing of customer dominance over the dealership evils by swatting kittens to the ground. How true, how true...

As a design engineer by trade and a senior manager by way of promotion and bad luck, I can say what I am doing to save my company in these tough times: anything I can. By that I mean we are limited by the new rules as to what we can do. We sent employees home to work; we gave them tools and direction and work

Neutral: Who’s buying a car... Well, as my commute went from 63 miles round trip in Atlanta traffic to about 20 feet across my house, I am looking for new replacement for my current mode of transportation ...I need new slippers.

Looks like a mini Pontiac Aztec... ugly is as ugly does.

Kudos for driving a 50 year old car as a daily driver but... It’s not the age of the car that is relevant for a daily driver. It is more the availability of parts. An old 60's Mustang can be made from the ground up out of readily available new parts from multiple suppliers. I would drive my ‘73 SAAB Sonett daily if I

Nothing says “late 70's malaise crap styling” quite as strongly as a half vinyl roof and opera windows. In fact it SCREAMS it as loudly as bell-bottom pants. That being said, they were an option on almost everything... I call for submissions of ugly half roof/opera windows for a vote on which is best at being the

As a loyal Jalopnik reader, I must ask this: Who’s Kristen Lee? Was she someone important?