
Don’t let Hyundai see it or they will steal the design features for the next Genesis SUV...

Styling? Engine choices? Interior? As always and in all aspects of engineering, design, and performance, Hyundai is running a few years behind the competition. Behind the pack except in one area: recognizing success in their competition and copying it. In that, Hyundai is ahead of the Chinese... but not by much.

Chevy! Me thinks you doth protest too much!

The most beatiful? Why obviously the White minivan 2+2...+2!

You need to publish the demographics of the 1029 subjects. That is a statistally small sample especially considering it left out over 60% (non-voters) of the population. I have considerable doubt of the presumptive findings.  That being said, I absolutely want better mass transit... but I am a voter.

It seems every car made in the 70's was shipped brand new from the factory with rust. My worst restoration was a 1973 SAAB Sonett. It was boght new by my Dad as his daily driver in Western PA. Road salt and weather took its toll so he restored it in the late 80's. He replaced all the rusty sheet metal with NOS parts

$35K? You can buy a Gladiator for that much...

What to do if you are CEO of Harley? Do what everybody in the vehicle industry is doing: Stop macing anything other than SUVs!

There was no way to anticipate or prepare for Newman’s crash.

What the ‘64 Daytona 500 clip really show is that it is possible to run fast at Daytona, lap the field, and only have one or two cars wreck out of the race without injuries. I wish we could see that kind of racing at Daytona again. The races now rely more on luck in missing “the big one”, who in the field will push

It’s called “Galvanic Corrosion”. Different metals (at the atomic level) have different numbers of free electrons on their outer valence. When in contact, those electrons transfer. When in a salt solution, it acts like a battery and atoms break down allowing the absorption of free radicals and oxygen (red-ox

You went on a tirade over a red, white, and blue plane, the colors of the American flag, that is used when the President travels and represents the American people? I hope, for your sake, you are paid by the word because you really didn’t say anything substantial.

Everyone missed the obvious choice: a Dodge Grand Caravan or Chrysler Town and County with the Sto-n-Go seating option. No hotel? No worries!!! Fold the seats into the floor and you can live in the back. The design hasn’t changed since 2008 and they are still rolling making them! You can pick these up almost anywhere

Best ever upgrade to Uconnect? By a new Pioneer, Kenwood, Sony, Alpine, or just about anything else with Apply Car Play/Android Auto and dispose of the factory Uconnect....

If no rotary, then they need something equally as unique to replace it... how about a 2 stroke I-6 with a Turbo? The time has come to make a oil burner!

I was in Wroclaw Poland in 2008 as lead engineer making a little known electric motorcycle, the Vectrix VX1, when on my way back from the factory to my hotel in the narrow Polish streets we were almost side swiped by a 1967 Buick Wildcat. It was painted in some horrific metal flake purple color and had air shocks to

Simple: One is a balloon so it can float above the other.

Disagree. It doesn’t sell because it is but-ugly. I looks like what an origami bathtub would be if one could be made. Ridiculous.

Nice list. May I suggest your next “Top Ten” be the 10 cars we all wished were vaporware?

I would worry about on what these mutant giants like to snack...