Oh, I was going to go with “carpet bombing in space” which is also somehow dumber than Padme losing the will to live. Like, fuck man, carpet bombing in space. What even was that? Multiple people looked at that and thought it should be in the movie. Fuck my ear with a hydrospanner, that shit was dumb.

As funny as this meme is, most of the time presenters are dusted with powder makeup to remove natural skin oil shine. If they recorded at home, which is likely, they probably didn’t have the necessary makeup artist on-site to prep them for the recording, so they end up looking shiny.  We all look shiny, we just have

The casting was near perfect

You know what’s dumber than how Han came to his last name?

Yeah, but at the same time Spider-Man’s appeal as a character is presenting a more realistically apathetic/hostile environment and persevering despite how rough life gets. Superman having cops like this would be one thing, but Spidey having cops like this flies in the face of the not-so-idealistic worldview presented

He once scolded an employee for missing a company event to be present for the birth of his child, saying “We’re changing the world and changing history, and you either commit or you don’t.”

The head injuries from this thing are going to be horrific. Doctors everywhere are cringing. 

I guess while we’re at it we better also stop loaning physical copies to friends and family and abolish the entire secondhand market. After all, these people are consuming content without paying the publishers for it.

Oh Thank Dog that the publishers (fucking scumbags that they are) are saved from having their almighty profits dip!!!

This stuff just writes itself ...

Be prepared to face a skateboarder’s greatest fear: “Death by a single pebble.”

Yeah, one small pebble = two smashed wrists.
Also, lol at the test rider weight. I admit I’m a fatass, but at my 210lbs I’m better off going bipedal for a variety of reasons.

One little rock and you lose all your teeth.

Hope your sidewalks are has smooth as what is shown in the video because small wheels....

As comic fans, it’s easy to forget what this looks like to most people - a fucked up looking skull. Yes, we all have skulls inside us, but they are universally a symbol of death. Part of the reason that the police associating with it is so wrong is that the Punisher would never side with the corrupt, brutal cops (and

What city have you visited in the last 100 year that did not have construction going on?

Apparently they could build giant cities whose entire economies were based around killing off all the 30-year-olds, so it's not like any logic or consistency was involved.

You aren't kidding. Those self-satisfied doors in the Heart of Gold - how familiar is that voice?

Ah, yes, what science fiction has to say about usability and interface design. I think Adams commented on this several times in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

I thought the problem was that no has invented sex teleporters yet.