Hm, ok I reread my original post and can see it probably sounds more confrontational than it did in my head.
And of course I think that Swedens laws and legal system can be critizised by anyone, just as any other countries can be. Just as long as one understands the basics of it. For example we have no bail, the US

Sorry, I don’t understand what you want here.

You do know that AR was convicted in a Swedish court for something that he did in Sweden?
So, when people refer to stand your ground or say that AR should have been released before the trial, without reading up on hos the Swedish legal system works, it does become a bit funny. 

Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence.

What in the courts reasoning do you think is not in accordance with Swedish law?

To me a pretty obvious case, expected conviction and expected sentence.
But just waiting for all the US ppl coming to US-plain the Swedish legal system to me, how AR should’ve been freed on grounds of stand-your-ground, how it was unfair not to grant AR bail etc... *sigh*


Is nobody going to ask what kind of cat can go in the refrigerator and rummage for hallucinogenic snacks?

One of the scariest things in the world must be to be married to a cop, or to be the child of a cop, that is abusive. You are practically speaking without any protection from the law. If a child or spouse of an abusive cop kills their abuser, ends up in court and I was in the jury, I would definitely find them not

Reese’s With a Spoon ?

Personality disorders are not mental illnesses, go clutch your pearls somewhere else.

These are people with personality disorders. This is not a chemical imbalance or neurodivergence. Anyone who’s had a narcissist or sociopath in their life knows the difference.

Here’s another hint. Hire at least one bodyguard local. [...] A local Swedish bodyguard would have called the police in the first couple of minutes.

There most is most definitely racism here in Sweden. I have more than a few friends who can testify to that, and I’ve read several articles and reports, and seen some research on that.
But I’ve yet to be convinced that is much of a factor here though. When it comes to being kept in custody, and from what I’ve read, A$A

I remember one day I was struggling in a roller derby practice—I was a mid-level player trying to hang with an advanced team

Is it the “Diabetes Edition” or the “Colon Cleanser Edition” ?

Is it the “Diabetes Edition” or the “Colon Cleanser Edition” ?

Artifice, brutality and innocence, the three great stimulants.
And of course, any combination thereof

I wouldn’t believe an X-ray, I’d demand an autopsy.

can’t star this one enough.