Interesting. I read her reply as being obviously jokingly over-the-top, in other words a reply in kind. But as all of us here knows, humor and sarcasm in text on the net can be hard to convey.

Nothing on roller skates are ever wrong.

Well, capitalism and racism does go hand in hand.

So, if anyone who is federally employed spoke out in support for that statement from Trump, using the same words as Trump, they would be breaking federal employment rules, and risk being punished or fired? Hmm.... are the WH staff considered federal employees?

just a public notification that this gif is awesome enough that it will now be shamelessly stolen and reused.

Yeah, I realized that I recognized the name and remembered your previous post, too late to edit my post though, but ppl were quick to mention that in comments. What an irritating bastard...

Oh, I should’ve made it clear that this is not the original dremiliolizardo but the fake dremiliolizarddo (notice the last double d), who uses the same profile picture.

Thanks, very interesting article! Especially the part about being forced to mollycoddle companies that advertise on the gizmodo sites.
Though I am not sure if it touches why the gizmodos are slow to ban overtly racist, sexist or spamming commentors (though I skimmed the text and might have missed something), but I

Perhaps one should keep in mind that vinegar is a weak acid, and as such is corrosive, over time. So, if used on anything that could be affected by acids, one might need to either wash with water or neutralize with something like baking soda.

Why is dr emilio lizardbrain not banned as a spammer? I mean, of course it should be banned as a racist shitstain, but if not that, at least as a spammer.

You’re not worthy of more substance, dipshit. Just a good flush.

Yes. it goes without saying that the same can be said about the US. But I should have phrased my point better, so I deserve your comment as it stands.
What I was thinking about, but didn’t write out, was that I have the impression that there is racism in Japan that has not been much adressed in the public, and also to

Well, sandwichtime wrote the original comment and I commented on that, so to dismiss them would be kind of mote, and also invite being dismissed myself.

It truly makes me hopeful to think that you, who as you yourself stated ‘is the reason equality is not possible’, might be pretty much unique.

This is the comment that really explains it all, isn’t it.

That’s because we’re not perpetually doing meth and anabolic steroids, so all that “4D chess strategy” is lost on us....

One can’t punch sense into them, but one can certainly shut their mouths, fistfully.

These people, based on the logical extension of their own world view, should be refused access to anything and everything they cannot fully explain the complete and total workings of. Including all types of health care, surgical procedures, medicine; all types of electronics, including computers, smart phones,

Regarding the previous reporting about shops refusing service to foreigners:
Isn’t it pretty well known that there is a lot of racism in Japan? Both historically and up to current times? Also, a pretty nasty streak of toxic nationalism.