What would work on the nazi is a home visit that leads to a hospital visit. Repeatedly. Not joking, this has internationally proven to be a very effective tactic over the years.

You criticize it for being about “a far [off] country where peoples die”.
I wonder, do you criticize all games that take place in far-off countries where people die? Because if so you have a lot of games to smack down on. Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Serious Sam, Call of Duty, Tomb Raider etc.
Could it be how the

A sad and hard agree. From women friends in the punk scene and the political scene, I know there’s a lot of looking-the-other-way if the alleged perpetrator is of high status.

Now playing

hm, couldn’t find that particular mashup, but you can have this one instead :)

yes, kevin, and this is just a shaving apparatus for rich people

Now playing

Hahahaha. No.
This is the Clash song you’re looking for.

Now playing

What’s needed is someting that the audience at a political rally can sing along to, in a way that sounds powerful. For this we should turn to the british Oi-punk scene, which borrowed heavily from footboll chants:
If The Kids *clap*clap*clap*
Are United *clap*clap*clap*
They Will Never *clap*clap*clap*
Be Divided

I’d claim that this is how mashups should be made - taking two songs that shouldn’t be possible to mix and then doing it. 

guess that’s how little fucks they gave

Quote Marwan Barghouti (from wikipedia):
“I, and the Fatah movement to which I belong, strongly oppose attacks and the targeting of civilians inside Israel, our future neighbor, I reserve the right to protect myself, to resist the Israeli occupation of my country and to fight for my freedom.”

This just shows once again the Jewish community cannot stand any criticism of Israel, and deems that any criticism of the actions of the Israel government is an indictment of Jews as a race and/or a religion

A great number of Jewsdisagree with the Israeli government so are they antisemitic as well?

oh you have that phrasage in public service media too? We have it in Sweden, and it has been kind of a running joke :)

It’s also interesting to note that Japan has not managed to really admit the extremely horrible war crimes that were comitted by the countrys military during WW2. It is furthermore interesting that one of the other WW2 Axis powers that really haven’t done much to clean out their dirt from ww2, Italy, also has a

Burn it down, just burn it all down.

Burn it down, just burn it all down.

It makes him look like Assange in about 1o years.

As a non-american that does not know the faces of all US politicians, if you had told me these were actors from a SNL skit about no45's latest dribble, I would’ve believed it, because those facial expressions are priceless.

iirc, this was suggested as a way to “break through” with an exercise that one had a hard time getting better in.. don’t remember where I read that but could’ve been from Clarence Bass..?