725 5th Ave

The math checks out.



Because if there’s one person you can trust to give a fair assessment of what a Democrat said, it’s Michelle Malkin.

What calendar day is 158 days from today, June 1?

Wyoming is actually ranked in the top 10 states for public education. We are horribly underfunded, though, and the legislature refuses to consider any way to increase revenues while cutting millions out of the education budget.

Wyoming’s public school system is one of the best funded in the country. Not one of the best run, but one of the best funded.

Maybe they should just stick to just enabling people to collaborate with each other, instead of front-paging popular news. People sharing news articles with each other is fine. But Facebook should probably be a lot more impartial with that stuff.

Provided without comment:

Joe Biden, please STFU and go away.

doubt that

Those fucking sweatshirts look like the shit I made with fabric paint in grade school.

“Gregory Vaughn Hill Jr. was found dead in the garage of his home after the nearly four-hour standoff as a tense neighborhood crowd in Fort Pierce looked on Tuesday afternoon and evening.”

Go stick to the NFL, your intellect seems on par.

I’m on 3 of the drugs you mentioned, and they’re a godsend that helps me live a normal, healthy, and happy life. You can get fucked.

anyone who thinks sport x is not as good as it used to be: cool. but stop telling the rest of us about it. i still really like the NBA. and i grew up on bird v magic.

Short answer: Impeachment talk is not terribly realistic at the moment, and repeatedly bringing it up only gives Trump grounds to claim he’s the victim.

“I judge this thing that I stopped paying attention to over a decade ago to be inferior to the way the thing was when I was younger and developed my relationship to it. And they’re all wimps” This doesn’t at all sound the opinion of an out of touch oldster. Got any biting insights into “those damn millenials” you’d

Did you watch basketball in the 2000's?

Casual fans only care about the Sooperdooperstars, not whether some team can squeeze playoff minutes out of the ninth rotation guy.