I absolutely agree but while I am stranded here doing phone interviews I have to write something. That’s my job. So I did this. I’m certainly not planning a series on my coldness or my feelings.

Aren’t we all?

Member when Jalopnik writers were kissing The Grand Tour guys arses a few weeks ago before they discovered that there was a cast member that plays on the stereotype American?

Nothing dispels the notion of your university being a creepy cult like controlling the hiring practices of a local drug store to spite a former employee

I see. So on one hand, Deadspin uses college game signs to bump up traffic - and on the other hand critizes signs jumping in line for their shot at attention.

Suck it, hippies.

And you’ll get more stars than ever before writing some empty contrarian bullshit under every single thing Nolan writes! The symbiosis is complete!

Hey, think of the up side. You will get more clicks ranting about the Trump administration than you ever did ranting during Obama. And you’ve always got squats and yogurt rants as a sideline.

I disagree with the Trump-Pence administration about a ton of things. But the most effective way to do so are with proven facts, not exaggerations found from twitter and facebook posts. Snopes did a good article showing the evidence for this often-repeated statement:

Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.

Well there was this one time with a flashing warning that said “danger to manifold” and then the floor fell out.

but they rolled my old truck payments in with no problem!

Only 80 more payments left........

So you only work in absolutes. Relativism has no place in the work force? Got it.

I’m totally okay with The Concourse (this is not Deadspin) regularly covering current events as it always has. But the bulk of HamNo’s “analysis” lately has indeed been lazy and sketchy on facts. Which is a shame, because sometimes there’s a good point hidden under all the nonsense, but I’m facepalming too hard to dig

Here we have an article about monopsony where the author doesn’t bother to define the term and probably doesn’t know what the term means. It means the market has one *buyer* for a particular good, the counterpart of “monopoly” where there is one *seller* for a particular good. (It is not “monopoly-lite, when one

I’m 29 and I can not tell you how many times I’ve daydreamed about going back and playing little league, not as a kid, but as an adult. I would fucking dominate and feel a power that I’ve never felt before. Imagine getting a 40mph floater right down the middle and taking it deep, rounding the bases while staring

He’s a good teen

Relatable? Bullshit.