It doesn’t seem that you know what an endowment is or how one works.
It doesn’t seem that you know what an endowment is or how one works.
This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.
STFU, Hamilton.
A: None of them, a sub-10k used car that you think makes you look rich really makes you look like a poor trying to look rich.
It means you lost 9-3 to the Rams so sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
How do you not do the Bull Dance after hitting that putt? Amazing restraint.
Also, does nobody want to admit that they did exactly this as a teenager, and they only reason they weren’t caught was pure, dumb luck?
Does nobody want to admit that SRT-4s are fast?
At 146 mph + teenage driver I doubt that the radar detector would be effective.
Counterpoint: Team Europe has won ZERO Super Bowls.
Holy shit I love this guy. Why your team sucks Ryder Cup edition. See if Magary will counter!!!!!!!
Don’t be obtuse. The ONLY reason this statement is getting blasted is because Trump said it. Instead of sending the production of old cars to mexico, why not keep them here AND add additional jobs and manufacturing for the new models here. The population isn’t getting any smaller.
GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.
Right off the bat this morning were on this shit again?