7 of pi

@infmom: I was sitting on my upstairs neighbor's balcony on an October night in 1989, when the only artificial light was coming from SF General. About 11pm, we started seeing neighborhoods flicker back onto the grid, flicker off, then back on. This process started at Potrero Hill, worked through the Mission and

@LadyTudorRose: This makes as much sense as anything else involving the Saxe-Coburg-Battenberg-Windsors.

Castalia. 'Nuff said.

@Enorym: Why? There are good burritos on the Detroit side.

@Enorym: We already do that on land; why would it be any crazier to do it as we're approaching Yerba Buena Island?

Alasdair, that "only 20 tons" description of HMS Sword is measuring its displacement; the midget submarines that the IJN used at Pearl Harbor were about twice that size and USS Holland displaced about 74 tons, for comparison.

@ceti: Depends on how you define "US territory": you're ignoring the Japanese occupation of Attu and Kiska (part of the Territory of Alaska), Guam and Wake (insular possessions) and the Philippines (associated self-governing commonwealth).

@whynotshesaid: Meh, I grew up in the heyday of leaded gasoline and downwind from Dow Chemical, and I was reading in preschool. America's been fiercely anti-intellectual from the get-go, and economic stability is something that wasn't nearly as common as we like to think it was. Some kids are just smarter than others,

@Snood: San Francisco's Arguello Street is the one I love the most.

@DaniFae is so into you but way too smart for you: You sound like my youngest brother. I think all of us were reading fairly early, which drove our lazier teachers nuts. I was luckiest; at my first elementary school, I was sent to read with the older grades. After a new school opened, our neighborhood was switched to

@Ideal_Impulse: TV doctor = jackass. Doesn't matter whether it's Drew, Phil, or anyone else with an MD who prefers the little screen to an actual practice.

@Keitha11: I can't say that from my experience; an awful lot of the trolls on the Politics tab seem to have a TF label.

@alliallialli: Thirded; sometimes, I really want to wallow in the gutter and 4chan never disappoints. Even at its most offensive, you can remind yourself that you volunteered to be offended.

@H_is_for_Heretic: I'm a long time FARKer and although there are some folks on there who are older than I am, it seems to me that the bulk of its audience is 15-35. It depends on the thread, and the time of day, but yes, there are plenty of choads on almost any site like it.

@eleusiswalks: Does anyone else hear that in a Daffy Duck voice?