7 of pi

@DavinClytias: Preeecisely. It's a numbers game to them. The trick is to figure out where you're most likely to benefit from an extended warranty, like a notebook computer or another device with a lot of moving parts and that works with very fine tolerances.

@Ryan A Osborne: My one experience with a refurbed MBP was not so good; this was one of the first units, with a Core Duo, and fairly early in the Intel era. Call it April or May of 2006; that machine turned into a shop queen.

@Trai_Dep: But does it have a compass in the stock?

@craiglloyd: Time zones can play a part in this equation; I work on the West Coast and write for people who keep NY office hours. Therefore, it's quite possible for an important e-mail to be sent while I'm in bed, or trying to wake up.

@nathanb131001: I used to tell my editor (2006-8 timeframe) that I could spend my day on IM and email constantly updating him about work in progress, or I could do my work; doing both at the same time was not going to happen.

And the boy's given names spell TEMP. If that rumored quid pro quo is the case, good on you, Levi.

Two of those Dominican nuns who were arrested for trespassing are from my hometown in Michigan; one taught school at Sacred Heart, the other spent several years on the city council.

@Hellkeeper: That radio (as the stamp indicates) was designed by Norman Bel Geddes, father of actress Barbara Bel Geddes. He also designed the GM "Futurama" pavilion for the 1939 World's Fair, and the case for the IBM Mark I computer. [en.wikipedia.org]

@redman042: If Foxconn ships them in the last week of February, they land at LA-Long Beach in mid-March, and get sent to the distribution centers. Apple will take delivery of a few hundred or so for internal use, and to make sure that Mossberg, Pogue and the other shills get early access, in return for the

@StupidSimple: Yeah, my brother couldn't understand why I didn't want to buy our mother one for Christmas. I had to explain to him that if he thought it was such a good idea, he should open up his wallet.

@juicyfizz: I might agree with you, except for these small points.

@nutbastard: RTFA: this is republished from Gawker, and the comments are leading back to the mothership. Take a good look at the image if you don't believe me.

@Elhigh: And your reply pops up on my member pages at Gawker, Jalopnik, Deadspin, io9, Gizmodo, Kotaku, Lifehacker, and Fleshbot.

@Elhigh: A: this isn't Jalopnik.

@Maggie Larkin: My sleep mask works its way off my face about four times a night; if I wake up and notice it missing, I dig around for it.

@roodles: I'm surprised that he didn't return your food after using it.