7 of pi

@weaselina: It's a momentary embarrassment, but a story that will last a lifetime

The Church's reasoning (not that I agree with it) is that the mother has had a chance to live, and the unborn child deserves the same opportunity.

@theoldwolf: The ban existed simply because Apple hadn't submitted the device to the Israeli equivalent of the FCC for approval. The same thing could happen if you tried to bring an unapproved device into the States. It's strictly a regulatory thing; I'm glad to hear that they just want people to declare them as they

Except that students on a school athletic team represent the school, not just themselves. That's why you can be benched or kicked off the team for something that happens outside of school.

"Which one of these will look sleaziest?"

Does anyone else love the irony of the prohibition against taking women across state lines with immoral intent being named the "Mann Act" ?

@Misiula: For domestic, get a cheap starter pistol and declare it at check-in. Airlines hate to lose firearms; details can be found on [lifehacker.com] .